
Image: https://www.deuteriumdepletionsummit.com/ When: March 25th, 2023 Learn the science and application of Deutenomics, a new branch in biochemistry and biophysics that explains the role of deuterium in biological systems. 10+ hours of educational lectures, thought provoking content, and paradigm shifting ideas from the world’s leading experts in deuterium depletion.Dedicated to informing and expanding the practices of...
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Link to the report: https://bit.ly/3HkQ4vh Report chaired and presented by: James C Lech Committee members 2022: page 43-44 of the report Timestamps: 0:00 Solutions: Update from Energy-flux Models to Photon-flux Models; NASA Human Research Program 1:42 VW Dieselgate; Cellular Phonegate 2:58 One photon excites one electron explanation 3:42 Poor oxygen in a deuterium enriched room...
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