
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) Every month, well over 100 scientific articles are published in peer-reviewed international journals that relate to electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) and their potential health-related effects. “Spotlight on EMF Research” presents individual current articles, classifies them in the context of the existing state of knowledge by the BfS and evaluates their relevance for radiation protection. Read...
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16th to 18th February 2022, Cottbus General Information In Germany, the expansion of the power grid and the construction of several new high voltage power lines across the country is a result of the switch to renewable energy sources. Moreover, the new 5G mobile communication standard and the introduction of digital techniques into almost all...
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Date:  April 15, 2021 Author: Lost Thread Lost Thread is journalistically edited and registered with the Press Board. Stock Photo : Ingo Joseph ( Pexels.com ) (Auto translated from Danish) NEWS / ABROAD:  For years, German professor Alexander Lerchl was behind false accusations that crucial research on mobile phone radiation had been falsified, and in December 2020, he was...
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BERLIN, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) — German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Svenja Schulze inaugurated a new government center on Wednesday to which citizens can turn with their health questions regarding the radiation of mobile networks and electricity grids. The minister stressed that digitization and the transition to renewable energies were “crucial...
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The BfS wishes to further investigate indications of possible effects Year of issue 2019 Date: 2019.12.06 Some animal and plant species can perceive electric or magnetic fields. Although limited effects on plants and animals have been observed in some laboratory and field studies, there is still no scientific proof of a risk to plants or animals posed by electromagnetic fields...
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International Workshop on the causes of childhood leukemia General Information Unexplained findings from epidemiological studies in two different areas of radiation protection prompted the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) to intensify the research on the etiology of childhood leukemia: (i) the increased incidence of childhood leukemia near nuclear power plants and (ii) the...
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Translated from German: Since Friday, new 5G-enabled mobile phones are expected at the International Consumer Electronics Fair (IFA) in Berlin. The new mobile radio standard links many positive expectations. At the same time, however, concerns about possible health risks are also expressed. In a press release, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter provides comprehensive information on...
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