
Zhenwei Tang, Shenxin Li, Minxue Shen, Yi Xiao, Juan Su, Juan Tao, Xiaohui Wang, Shijun Shan, Xiaojing Kang, Bin Wu, Bin Zou, Xiang Chen, Association of exposure to artificial light at night with atopic diseases: A cross-sectional study in college students, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 241, 2022, 113932, ISSN 1438-4639, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.113932....
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Chen HC, Chen YC, Wang TN, Fang WF, Chang YC, Chen YM, Chen IY, Lin MC, Yang MY. Disrupted Expression of Circadian Clock Genes in Patients with Bronchial Asthma. J Asthma Allergy. 2021 Apr 16;14:371-380. doi: 10.2147/JAA.S302508. PMID: 33888995; PMCID: PMC8057829. Abstract Purpose: Circadian clock is synchronized to the 24-hour day by the daily light-dark cycle...
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Maidstone R, Turner J, Vetter C, et alNight shift work is associated with an increased risk of asthmaThorax Published Online First: 16 November 2020. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-215218 Respiratory epidemiologyOriginal research Abstract Introduction  Shift work causes misalignment between internal circadian time and the external light/dark cycle and is associated with metabolic disorders and cancer. Approximately 20% of the working population in industrialised countries work permanent or...
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