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A Fine Balance Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash 30th of March 2024 •Should Concerned Individuals Resort to Antioxidant Supplements Amid 5G Fears? •Examining the Wisdom of Taking Antioxidants for EMF and Cell Tower Worries Oxidative stress; ROS Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s ability...
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Pathophysiology. 2019 Nov 21. pii: S0928-4680(19)30043-4. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2019.11.003. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract AIM: Epilepsy is a common brain disorder in which the seizures could cause a neuronal loss in the hippocampus. Oxidative stress has an important role in the pathology of epilepsy. Some studies indicate that Wi-Fi increases oxidative stress and suppresses antioxidant systems. The aim...
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Postaci I, Coskun O, Senol N, Aslankoc R, Comlekci S. Abstract OBJECTIVE: The study was aimed to evaluate the physiopathological consideration of the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) from the radiation of 4.5 G mobile phones on the liver tissue of rats and quercetin (Qu) applied as an antioxidant for reducing these effects. METHODS: Male...
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