
The French Consumer group (UFC Que Choisir) is a membership organisation for consumer groups around the world. Established in 1951, Union Fédérale des Consommateurs (UFC Que Choisir) is a not-for-profit organisation with a nation-wide network of nearly 170 local organisations that handles more than 100,000 consumer complaints a year. Through its monthly publication, the high-profile magazine ‘Que...
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Source https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sciences/high-tech/deploiement-de-la-5g-olivier-veran-et-elisabeth-borne-ont-ecrit-au-premier-ministre-pour-demander-d-attendre-une-evaluation_4016693.html?fbclid=IwAR2SxGCdvdFhBAywc8bEYUvnQIam6CcNCgJKsoCWW_dxBhY-X0wXy8YsRps Auto – translated from French. Patience.  According to Elisabeth Borne and Olivier Véran, we should not rush into the deployment of 5G , this technology supposed to supplant by 2023 the current 4G. The Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health wrote to Edouard Philippe asking him “to wait for the evaluation of ANSES [the...
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Image: Unsplash.com 11 Finnish medical doctors have started a petition demanding the halt of 5G technology. They also suggest that the Finnish government starts to prepare for a new radiation legislation based on biological effects and the precautionary principle. The petition is to be sent to the Finnish parlament if a sufficient number of citizens...
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(Auto translated from French) The deployment of the “5th generation” communication technology promises innovative services based on new infrastructure. These technological developments will modify the methods of exposure of the population, and will require adapting the measurement and evaluation methods. As part of the deployment of 5G planned for the end of the year in France, ANSES...
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News of 17/12/2019 Today, ANSES is publishing the list of projects selected as part of its two 2019 calls for research projects for the National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health, with the first for projects on a general theme, and the second on the theme of “radiofrequencies and health”. Following the selection process,...
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Re posted from : Posted on October 29, 2019 As already presented the present SAR for mobile phones is based on a distance of 5 mm between the phone and body (skin). The real situation for most persons is no distance (0 mm). According to Microwave News the French government asks for new SAR measurements based on real-life...
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Published on 25.10.19 Translated from French The National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and Labor (ANSES) published on 21 October 2019 its opinion on the health effects related to waves emitted by mobile phones when used close to the body. The opinion does not reveal a serious and immediate danger but underlines that the results of the...
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Read more at https://www.telecompaper.com/news/french-health-and-safety-agency-issues-recommendations-to-limit-radiofrequency-radiation-for-smartphone-users–1313201?fbclid=IwAR27p5SSpwd6ZOL3I2g73csVUj_QXkLiOjOF3exbTUbFucXcLJ7K44GjxI0
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21/10/2019 The control of exposure to waves emitted by mobile phones was modified in 2016 to take into account the evolution of models and uses. Since then, manufacturers are required to evaluate the exposure under realistic conditions of use, ie when the phone is placed very close to the body, at most 5 mm away. However, a...
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FRANCE:  The National Frequency Agency (ANSES) is an administrative public institution established by the Telecommunications Regulatory Act of 26 July 1996, with the mission of managing the radio spectrum in France. PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE EVOLUTION OF ANFR REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PUBLIC EXPOSURE TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN 5G 09/03/2019 The fifth...
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