
Satellites to connect the unconnected https://t.co/TJrQ75zwWm pic.twitter.com/tLlinamQPp— Int’l #Telecommunication Union #OurDigitalFuture (@ITU) July 15, 2021 ITU News interview Julie Zoller, who oversees the key regulatory affairs portfolio for Amazon’s Project Kuiper, which aims to launch a constellation of low-Earth orbit satellites to provide low-latency, high-quality broadband connectivity worldwide. She previously served as chief government affairs...
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Source https://www.lightreading.com/5g/dishs-5g-ambitions-for-12ghz-face-setback/d/d-id/769076 News Analysis MIKE DANO, Editorial Director, 5G & Mobile Strategies 4/27/2021 The FCC approved a request by SpaceX’s Starlink to make changes to its constellation of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. The ruling represents a setback to Starlink competitors like Viasat and Amazon that had argued against the changes, as well as a...
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April 27, 2021 Source: https://www.reuters.com/technology/fcc-votes-approve-spacex-satellite-plan-official-2021-04-27/ Reuters, David Shepardson The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said on Tuesday it had voted to approve a SpaceX plan to deploy Starlink satellites at a lower earth orbit as part of the company’s push to offer space-based broadband internet service. The decision, which Reuters reported earlier on Tuesday, includes...
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Source: https://spacenews.com/china-is-developing-plans-for-a-13000-satellite-communications-megaconstellation/ by Andrew Jones — April 21, 2021 HELSINKI — China is to oversee the construction and operation of a national satellite internet megaconstellation through coordinating the country’s major space actors.  Recent comments by senior officials indicate that plans are moving ahead to alter earlier constellation plans by space sector state-owned enterprises and possibly make these part...
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Source: https://www.geekwire.com/2021/critics-take-aim-spacex-starlink-amazon-kuiper-satellite-constellations/ BY ALAN BOYLE on March 11, 2021 SpaceX, Amazon and OneWeb say their satellite mega-constellations will make broadband internet goodness available to billions of people around the world who are unserved or underserved — but some say those promises have to be weighed against the potential perils. These critics cite the risk of catastrophic satellite collisions, concerns about cybersecurity...
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Source: https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/aerospace/satellites/amazons-project-kuiper-is-more-than-the-companys-response-to-spacex Amazon Web Services and Blue Origin could mean the satellite constellation becomes part of a larger ecosystem. 17 Aug 2020 | 19:00 GMT By Michael Koziol Amazon cleared an important hurdle when the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced on 30 July that the company was authorized to deploy and operate its Kuiper satellite constellation. The authorization came with the caveat...
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Source: https://www.telecompetitor.com/first-spacex-starlink-satellite-broadband-speeds-revealed/#:~:text=Using%20the%20Ookla%20Speedtest%20app,beta%20users%20for%20the%20service. 8/13/20 at 11:57 AM by Bernie Arnason A Reddit forum for SpaceX’s Starlink has revealed the first speeds for the new satellite broadband service. SpaceX has already launched hundreds of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites that will power this next generation satellite broadband service. Excerpt: Coverage is currently limited to the Northern region of the...
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by Caleb Henry — July 30, 2020 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on July 30 approved Amazon’s request to operate a constellation of roughly 3,200 internet satellites in low Earth orbit.  The FCC said Amazon has until July 30, 2026 to launch at least 50% of its satellites in order to maintain its authorization, and until...
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