
Source: Airlines for America SmartBrief 2021-11-22 The Canadian government has limited use of 5G communications at certain frequencies around airports due to concern that the frequencies could interfere with aircraft altimeters. The US government is currently considering what steps are needed to mitigate that possibility after temporarily halting a similar expansion of 5G usage in...
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Source: https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/airlines-warn-5g-risky/ By Sandra Stafford September 5, 2021 9:00AM The mobile wireless industry is preparing to deploy 5G all across the country, and 6G is already in development — but millions of people in the United States don’t even have access to household internet. This differential in access is called the “digital divide,” and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is...
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Source: https://www.lightreading.com/5g/airlines-warn-of-major-disruptions-from-5g-in-c-band/d/d-id/771518 News Analysis MIKE DANO, Editorial Director, 5G & Mobile Strategies 8/17/2021 Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile collectively spent almost $100 billion on C-band spectrum licenses for 5G earlier this year. Now, just a few months before that spectrum is scheduled to be put to use commercially, a large group of major aerospace and airline companies is...
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May 20, 2021 By Dan Namowitz Source: AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2021/may/20/aviation-safety-in-focus-as-fcc-expands-5g The wireless communications industry has a “deficient level of understanding” of the threat to radar-altimeter system operation and flight safety posed by “flexible” uses of the 3.7 to 3.98 GHz band, a concern that should prompt the Federal Communications Commission to...
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PARIS – The latest generation of smartphones, 5G, can interfere with aircraft altitude instruments, the French Civil Aviation Authority warned as it recommended they should be turned off during flight. “The utilisation of 5G devices onboard aircraft could lead to risks of interference that could potentially result in errors in altitude readings,”  a spokesman for the agency...
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Source: https://www.defensenews.com/2020/12/21/the-military-is-scrambling-to-understand-the-aviation-crash-risk-from-a-new-5g-sale/ By: Valerie Insinna and Aaron Mehta, December 21 at 5:00 AM WASHINGTON — As part of a broader move to boost the 5G industry in the United States, the Federal Communications Commission on Dec. 8 began auctioning a portion of C-band electromagnetic spectrum, a move the committee’s chairman, Ajit Pai, celebrated as “a big day for...
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Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-07/plane-crash-risk-seen-rising-on-fcc-plan-to-expand-5g-spectrum By Todd Shields, Alan Levin, and Helene Fouquet December 7, 2020, 7:31 PM GMT+2Updated on December 8, 2020, 12:42 AM GMT+2 Study warns of interference with electronics on airliners FCC says use of airwaves is safe and will open auction Tuesday A plan to redeploy spectrum for super-fast 5G wireless networks is sparking concern among aviation safety experts...
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