
In our opinion ICNIRP has for 27 years been travelling down a narrow one way street in a vehicle that appears to have no reverse gear. They might have no other choice than to relax the guidelines in order to allow the industry to deploy 5G successfully. According to Eric van Rongen, chairman of the...
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Health-related effects of electromagnetic fields Tonia Antoniazzi, MP for Gower called the debate Video at the link below: https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/6e555c76-9f87-4c47-ae3f-33d1a68e9fc6?in=16%3A35%3A28&out=17%3A28%3A00&fbclid=IwAR3IjmgLy7O0vHDRa-iKcqAb4prwb8JoYgZ3xFT4yY0wwSXWiLL05hIyDhs On You Tube: Transcript of hearing: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/whall/?id=2019-06-25a.294.0&p=11661
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Following are links to two briefs from a lawsuit filed against the FCC by Montgomery County, Maryland. The suit focuses on flaws in the FCC radiofrequency (RF) exposure limits pertinent to small cells and 5G. The exposure limits were adopted by the FCC in 1996 and were designed to protect humans only from short-term thermal...
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Reality Check A few days ago we were listening to a radio interview with a man who has devoted most of his life to helping shack dwellers improve their quality of life. He mentioned one lady who (after her shack which was destroyed by a storm and replaced by him) as saying: “This is the...
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The President endorses 5G: -High tech industry expansion -Communications minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams will issue a policy direction to communications regulator Icasa within a month (the industry is desperate  to begin deployment of 5G technology) -Fourth Industrial Revolution -Coding and data analytics at a primary school level -National Development Plan -High-speed trains, megacities -High-tech economy ,...
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The UN weather and climate agency, WMO, has warned that the latest “5G” mobile phone technology jeopardizes early warning services which protect people from natural disasters such as tropical cyclones. In a resolution expressing “serious concern at the continuing threat to several radio-frequency bands” of 5G, the World Meteorological Organization’s executive Congress insisted that forecasting...
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Chinese police are employing artificial intelligent (AI), 5G, facial recognition, smart lamps equipped with surveillance cameras, Wi-Fi and alarm buttons in preparation for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, on October 1. A local police officer from Dongtai county, East China’s Jiangsu Province, who requested anonymity, told the Global Times...
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Source: https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/international-phonegate-scandal-all-overexposed-all-deceived-all-endangered-by-our-mobile-phones?fbclid=IwAR2bVmh4odQOaP34z41sQH8OoL6c5vyKmujoJo6asrcM3Ux4k8_i7i5N9kM The medical conference held on Saturday 8 June 2019 provided the first opportunity to discuss in England about the Phonegate case and its industrial and health consequences. We would like to warmly thank Dr. Erica Mallery Blythe, President of PHYRE, for her invitation and support that made this event possible in the UK. It was...
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ANFR OBSERVATORY: -NEARLY 46,500 4G SITES AUTHORIZED BY ANFR IN FRANCE ON 1ST JUNE 2019 -14 new experimental 5G stations have also been authorized by the ANFR in April in the 3.5 GHz band, for a total of 111 stations authorized in France. Comparative evolution of authorized 4G media and put into service by frequency band...
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