
Image credits: Dr  Erica Mallery-Blythe   Interview after the presentation by UK expert, Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe on health and environmental impacts associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation, with an especial focus on 5G, to an invited audience including Bath MP Wera Hobhouse, some Bath City Councillors and members of the public. Guildhall Bath – 5th July...
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July 14th: The UK Parliament held a Westminster Hall Debate on the safety of 5G last week following Glastonbury Town Council’s resolution to oppose the roll-out of 5G under the Precautionary Principle. Opening the debate, Tonia Antoniazzi MP said: “This Westminster Hall debate is indeed a timely one, as it comes off the back of...
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Source: https://www.bbklaw.com/news-events/news-room/2019/in-the-news/07/partner-gerry-lederer-discusses-cities-5g-challen?utm_source=Social_Media&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=ITN_Gerry_5G_WSJ&utm_content=In_the_News JUL 08, 2019 Communities Are Having a Hard Time Keeping Up with Wiring Permits For the Wall Street Journal article “The Downside of 5G: Overwhelmed Cities, Torn-Up Streets, a Decade Until Completion,” Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Gerry Lederer discussed the impact of 5G  on communities. In an interview with the newspaper, the telecommunications law attorney...
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What ICNIRP is saying:   Eric Van Rongen, ICNIRP Chair Eric Van Rongen: “ICNIRP establishes whether health effects have been found and, on the basis of that, sets its limits. That is done with a large degree of conservatism. While many 5G pilots are already under way, ICNIRP is reviewing its own mobile technology-related radiation...
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Timothy Schoechle, PhD is an international consultant in computer and communications engineering and policy based in Boulder, Colorado. He is a Senior Research Fellow of the National Institute For Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP). PDF http://electromagnetichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/What-is-5G-and-why-do-we-care.doc.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3CZG9aNspnzMdRxJZIM4x3FOa81Oro4od1OE6rTOHr8aaUkJic9xl7BOg Conclusion Some combination of 5G/4G may well become part of the wireless access network over the coming decade. However,...
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Inefficient conversion of RF to digital and continuous connectivity issues are causing thermal problems, threatening signal integrity and reliability. MAY 7TH, 2019 – BY: KEVIN FOGARTY At this point there are many unknowns. Heat is just one more issue, although it is an important one. But how that gets resolved may depend on a lot of other...
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Mikko Ahonen Visit Mikko Ahonen here: http://mikkoahonen.com Researchgate entry: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/… Einar Flydal  Visit Einar Flydal’s blog here: https://einarflydal.com/ Olle Johansson https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/66199957_Olle_Johansson Annie Sasco MD, MPH, MS, DrPH https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Annie_Sasco
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Slideshare Presentation by Mikko Ahonen (Researcher, PhD) at the University of Umeå. Umeå is a test city for 5G in Sweden A slide from the presentation:
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Source: https://helbredssikker-telekommunikation.dk/nyheder/LegalOpinion5G ‘The Council on Health Safe Telecommunications” has, in cooperation with the Danish EHS Association, MayDay and The Danish Institute of Public Health arranged the 5G Conference at Christiansborg Maj 4th 2019. The Conference was concluded with a presentation by Lawyer Christian F. Jensen of Bonnor Lawyers, based in the city of Holte. The Lawyer’s conclusion is: establishing and activating a 5G-network — as...
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    Dr Karl – Misleading and Wrong Information and  a  much deeper problem in the selection of experts.  
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