
Ericsson’s Charles Ribordy, Customer Solutions Sales Manager, speaks with Sean Kinney from RCR Wireless News about the deployment challenges of space, power and connectivity in 5G networks. Ericsson is solving these challenges with active and passive optical solutions in the Fronthaul 6000 series with varying concealment and installation options to cover any deployment challenge.
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Slides of Leszczynski’s lecture at the Iona College – Blyth Performing Arts Centre, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay, Nov. 24, 2019 (Leszczynski Hawkes Bay New Zealand November 2019). Slide credit: Darius Leszczynski
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November 22, 2019 Delegates at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) have identified additional radio-frequency bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), which will facilitate the development of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. Extract: Additional bands identified to enable 5G deployment While identifying the frequency bands 24.25-27.5 GHz, 37-43.5 GHz, 45.5-47 GHz, 47.2-48.2 and 66-71 GHz for the deployment of...
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Post update 2nd of March 2022 We have been alerted by concerned Electrohypersensitives who noticed our website’s name EMFSA (Electromagnetic Fields South Africa) being used to promote a TV channel. The wording:  “Prof Olle Johansson’s ongoing research into EMFSA” which links to this fundraiser. We are uncertain whether this was written with malicious intent but...
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A more industry-friendly international standard was set at the World Radiocommunication Conference By Justine Calma@justcalma  Nov 22, 2019, 10:39am EST Weather forecasters pushing for strict limits on 5G’s rapidly growing footprint were dealt a blow today by the World Radiocommunication Conference in Egypt. Delegates there voted to create a new international standard that places much looser limits...
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Steve Hart interviews Prof Dariusz Leszczynski about  5G Watch the video at the link below: https://www.nzptv.org.nz/videos/is-5g-safe?fbclid=IwAR2eUNCH45NzJQh26kflcnGIXahUlzSRl_8G4DdNnBQxZAm1jXMSnhBkIak
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Nov 22, 2019 | Original story from Stanford University Artificial intelligence has moved into the commercial mainstream thanks to the growing prowess of machine learning algorithms that enable computers to train themselves to do things like drive cars, control robots or automate decision-making. But as AI starts handling sensitive tasks, such as helping pick which prisoners...
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Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03609-x 22 NOVEMBER 2019 Meteorologists say international standards for wireless technology could degrade crucial satellite measurements of water vapour. Alexandra Witze The international agency that regulates global telecommunications agreed to new radio-frequency standards on 21 November. Meteorologists say the long-awaited decision threatens the future of weather forecasting worldwide, by allowing transmissions from mobile-phone networks...
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Friday 22 November, 2019 International Treaty Conference Identifies Spectrum to Make Innovative 5G Services a Reality for Consumers and Industry Globally London: The GSMA today welcomed the international spectrum treaty adopted by the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), which will unlock the potential for game-changing 5G services around the world. The conference, which has just...
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Source: https://www.sidmouthherald.co.uk/news/investigation-into-5g-in-devon-1-6388594?fbclid=IwAR2QcyvUe1crGVvmcX3TJ4iv2lkx7MybcBseFLCel7fZdXdeskXRhkmnu7Q PUBLISHED: 07:21 22 November 2019 | UPDATED: 07:21 22 November 2019 Matt Smart People in Devon are being asked for their views on 5G as part of a council-led ‘call for evidence’ on the technology. Devon County Council (DCC) said local concern has led to it running an investigation into the emerging high-speed mobile internet. It...
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