
By Harry Baldock, Total TelecomMonday 27 April 20 The operator said over 50% of the nation’s population would have access to 5G by the end of 2020 Germany’s biggest operator, Deutsche Telekom, has announced a new initiative that seeks to rapidly expand 5G availability throughout the country, hoping to hit more than 50% of the population...
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This post will be updated periodically. We most strongly condemn the damaging of telecommunications infrastructure. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of criminal behavior, for whatever reason. Emergency Services If towers are damaged emergency communications can be disrupted, endangering the lives of those needing critical care. It makes the work of the emergency...
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Source: https://www.msn.com/de-ch/nachrichten/schweiz/bundesrat-will-grenzwerte-f%C3%BCr-strahlenbelastung-nicht-lockern/ar-BB1320ix?ocid=spartanntp&fbclid=IwAR0efvAL7kL7KcyrFnnJdGRug6zXnDVXaKVdfT_Cvkpf-eYKhtuSOQHfVfA (Auto translated) The Swiss Federal Council does not want to relax the limit values ​​for radiation exposure. This was decided on Wednesday after a discussion on how to continue using 5G mobile technology. Parliament has twice refused to relax the limit values. The working group “Mobile Communications and Radiation” set up by the federal...
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Time To Clean House ICNIRP is a non governmental organization that advises the WHO on international EMF Guidelines. In an article of April 9, 2020, Microwave News called for ICNIRP to be disbanded. https://microwavenews.com/news-center/time-clean-house The US is contemplating the same course of action, but for the WHO itself. -The Trump administration is debating potentially far-reaching...
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Source: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/leszczynski-briefly-on-5g-moratorium/ Esteemed anti 5G colleagues would like to have it both ways, but it is wrong. On one hand they claim, correctly, that the 5G was not tested for its health impact on humans. Meaning, there are no studies available to prove it safety. This is correct. But then, they claim that 5G is...
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Source: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/icasa-receives-35-applications-for-spectrum-under-emergency-regulations–1334339 The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) said it has received about 35 applications in response to the invitation through the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) COVID-19 National Disaster Regulations issued on 06 April. ICASA has made available International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum in the 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2600...
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April 9, 2020 We’re all frazzled and anxious. The world has changed, seemingly overnight, and we don’t know when and how we will ever go back to normal —whatever that means. One thing we don’t have to worry about is whether 5G radiation is responsible for COVID-19. It’s not. There’s no credible evidence to suggest...
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Video explaining the guidelines available at: https://www.icnirp.org/en/publications/article/rf-guidelines-2020480.html Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) Health Phys 118(5):483-524; 2020. (This publication was published ahead of print in March 2020).  Further information on the new ICNIRP RF EMF Guidelines The ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields are for the protection of humans exposed to...
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5G is coming to Belgium – initially covering 30 municipalities, including Zaventem (where Brussels Airport is located), Hasselt, Namur and Bruges. Initially the arrival of 5G in Belgium was slowed down by political disagreements on the distribution of the proceeds. An arrangement granting provisional rights was proposed pending a political agreement. Why is Brussels excluded? The radiation...
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