
Source: https://www.aglmediagroup.com/5g-starts-new-conversation-on-rf-safety/ BY ERNEST WORTHMAN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR, AWT MAGAZINE, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE May 29, 2020 There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear – Bill Gates Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt — FUD – that is, perhaps, the most steadfast set of feelings held throughout the ages. Fear of the unknown has led to...
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Our May 2020 Newsletter can be viewed at: https://mailchi.mp/fd926f7c9602/emf-news Community Activists Dr Gavin Davis and Dee Rowland
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Image: Unsplash.com 11 Finnish medical doctors have started a petition demanding the halt of 5G technology. They also suggest that the Finnish government starts to prepare for a new radiation legislation based on biological effects and the precautionary principle. The petition is to be sent to the Finnish parlament if a sufficient number of citizens...
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D. Leszczynski: “In November 2019, during my lecture tour in New Zealand (Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington & Nelson) I have briefly presented the very limited scientific evidence on the possible effects of millimeter-waves of the 5G on skin and skin cells. Recently, I have written a review article presenting the to-date performed research on the...
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ETTelecom May 26, 2020, 15:35 IST New Delhi: Commercial space-tech company Vestaspace Technology will launch 35+ 5G satellites this September for pilot to build 5G speed network connections and IoT functionalities for industries. In a statement Tuesday, the company said it will release beta version of satellite constellations pan-India in September and fully-operational version early next year into Low-Earth-Orbit...
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Ericsson Annual Report 2019: p.131, Source https://www.ericsson.com/495c1f/assets/local/investors/documents/2019/ericsson-annual-report-2019-en.pdf Excerpt:
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POSTED ON MAY 15TH, 2020IN : 5G SPECTRUM The results obtained have led the ANFR to propose a new wave exposure measurement indicator The Agence National des Fréquences (ANFR), published a detailed report on the exposure values measured during several 5G pilot deployments conducted in France. Ofcom released earlier in February 2020, a shorter report on the results...
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State can continue to auction frequencies for 5G. The Hague, May 25, 2020 The court in The Hague today ruled that the State can continue auctioning frequencies for the ‘roll-out’ of 5G. The STOP5GNL foundation had claimed in summary proceedings that this would be prohibited by the State. The State should wait until it is established that...
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The U.S. government today took another step to protect U.S. national security and the integrity of 5G networks by expanding the Commerce Department’s foreign direct product rule to restrict Huawei from circumventing U.S. law. We will not tolerate efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the privacy of our citizens or the integrity of...
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Publication Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Speculation linking 5G mobile telephony and data networks to a range of health threats, has been rife. Some claims even go to the extent of attributing the current COVID-19 pandemic to the initial rollouts of 5G networks. Unfortunately, a lot of opinions aired do not come with a high degree...
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