
Eric van Rongen “I’m the scientist who sets the global guidelines on 5G safety. Take it from me: 5G doesn’t cause cancer or spread COVID-19.” https://www.businessinsider.com/scientist-sets-guidelines-5g-safety-conspiracy-theories-debunked-2020-6?IR=T Eric van Rongen: “Contrary to many 5G conspiracy theories, phone radiation heats the human body the equivalent of having a cup of hot tea every two hours.” “The science is really...
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Source: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/european-greens-question-icnirp-standards-call-for-new-public-body-to-look-at-5g-exposure–1343780?fbclid=IwAR3-QJQyvCsJpFhynl0RYEsbQjT4-_jGeZBlt6H7HyXqIsFUIRJh9N2nv_w Wednesday 24 June 2020 | 11:09 CET | News Read the full article at the link above.
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Source https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sciences/high-tech/deploiement-de-la-5g-olivier-veran-et-elisabeth-borne-ont-ecrit-au-premier-ministre-pour-demander-d-attendre-une-evaluation_4016693.html?fbclid=IwAR2SxGCdvdFhBAywc8bEYUvnQIam6CcNCgJKsoCWW_dxBhY-X0wXy8YsRps Auto – translated from French. Patience.  According to Elisabeth Borne and Olivier Véran, we should not rush into the deployment of 5G , this technology supposed to supplant by 2023 the current 4G. The Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health wrote to Edouard Philippe asking him “to wait for the evaluation of ANSES [the...
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June 18, 2020 Auto translated from German. Klaus BuchnerandMichèle Rivasi Link to the report: https://klaus-buchner.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ICNIRP-report-FINAL-19-JUNE-2020.pdf An ICNIRP (International Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) study was published today, commissioned by Michèle Rivasi and Prof. Klaus Buchner, two MEPs from France and Germany. The result of this report is a scandal: Germany, like most countries in the...
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20 June 2020 – Post update: the link to the article now gives a 404 Error – “page not found”. Was it retracted? The article “5G and its effects on human health” by Abbas Haider was published on the 18 June 2020 in Electronics 360. The author discusses: •What is 5G? •5G technology and millimeter-wave...
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Source: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20200617/5g/swiss-telecoms-association-calls-acceleration-5g-deployments?fbclid=IwAR3BJSVpuP01aD0gxg7rzbYb6RfYO5_0WdXrDe9HEb004RS_tsrFfoKUHzM By Juan Pedro Tomás on JUNE 17, 2020 Swiss Association of Telecommunications (Asut) has called on politicians and public authorities in Switzerland to accelerate the switch to 5G technology in the country. According to the association, the upgrade of the mobile networks with the latest 5G technology is making little progress due to a lack of...
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TRENTON – Assemblyman Jamel Holley (D-20thDist.) is calling for the creation of a state commission to study the many unknown health effects of the next generation of wireless technologies, which are steadily expanding throughout New Jersey. https://www.tapinto.net/sections/other-nj-news/articles/holley-calls-for-commission-to-study-5g-safety?fbclid=IwAR1hLHRqOCEhvz8UjqBntxAYxyaBn8hgAWyTS2DdTtXiPr2jt31F2LnTdhA Holley: “My constituents have expressed some deep concerns about the potential health impacts of these antennas, especially in high-density...
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What is the Kessler Syndrome? The Kessler syndrome (also called the Kessler effect, collisional cascading, or ablation cascade), proposed by NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler in 1978, is a theoretical scenario in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit (LEO) due to space pollution is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each collision generates space debris that increases the likelihood of further...
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Source: https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/06/local-councils-want-government-to-answer-difficult-5g-questions/?fbclid=IwAR34jD8vJfqXhqTOo7lM_Moo81Ct5ejI5NOVbhE4Fdcta7lUBuG2MM2IBzU June 15, 2020 Dozens of local councils want the government to coordinate the information around the national rollout of 5G telecom, a survey conducted by public broadcaster NOS in the run-up to the first auction of the frequencies on June 29 has shown. Local councils play an important part in the rollout because...
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Source: Daily Maverick By Peter Fabricius • 15 June 2020 Senior American official says China is using Huawei to export its ‘surveillance state’. The US government has warned South Africa that it is risking the security of its most sensitive information and data by using the 5G telecoms infrastructure of the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.  The...
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