
 David Rose, University of Reading and Charlotte-Anne Chivers, University of Gloucestershire Depending on who you listen to, artificial intelligence may either free us from monotonous labour and unleash huge productivity gains, or create a dystopia of mass unemployment and automated oppression. In the case of farming, some researchers, business people and politicians think the effects...
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Source: https://www.lematin.ch/story/5g-en-suisse-leconomie-veut-un-passage-en-force-702250181264?fbclid=IwAR1O0BjjoWlSAokssErr5F78V8Bf9qOYhDlJKbUWuijX8uDCVoxIP8z94h4 Auto translation from French The refusal by the National Council of a motion requesting immediate monitoring of the health effects is symptomatic of operators’ impatience. But the unease runs deeper. by Eric Felley By 102 votes to 75, the National Council swept aside a motion from the Health Commission on Monday evening which wanted...
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Text by: RFI France’s Economy Minister has called for 5G mobile phone services to be rolled out as soon as possible, saying any delay would disadvantage the French market. His comments angered dozens of MPs, who have signed a petition calling for a moratorium on the technology until studies are carried out into the effects...
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Rain had 5,500 active 4G and 447 active 5G sites in South Africa as of the end of April 2020, with plans to increase its footprint to 1,500 sites by December 2021. Ultimately more than 2,000 5G towers in larger metro areas throughout South Africa are planned. Source: Rain’s extraordinary valuation https://mybroadband.co.za/news/cellular/367418-rains-extraordinary-valuation.html?utm_source=newsletter
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BioelectromagneticsVolume 41, Issue 7https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bem.22287 Source: Microwave News microwavenews.com Twitter (@microwavenews) Denis Habauzit’s group Inserm exposed three batches of the same type of skin cells, each from a different source, to 60.4 GHz millimeter waves in “exactly the same way” and looked at changes in gene expression. They saw divergent responses. For the 3 samples, they...
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Source: https://www.professionalsecurity.co.uk/news/interviews/5g-question/ INTERVIEWS 5G question 14TH SEPTEMBER 2020 Can 5G make organisations more vulnerable to cyber-attacks? asks Ronen Shpirer, Director of Solutions Marketing at the cyber company Fortinet. The roll-out of the 5G mobile network will offer the potential for download speeds of up to ten times faster than today’s, promising to change how we communicate,...
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By THERESA HITCHENS on September 11, 2020  WASHINGTON: The FCC’s controversial decision to let Ligado proceed with its 5G wireless network over fierce DoD objections is just one more example of the broken state of the US regime for managing spectrum, industry experts say. “There’s a lot of inefficiencies in the process. But it’s basically a fight,...
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Kim St Onge Posted on Sep 11, 2020 ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. (KMOV.com) — Ballwin is one of the latest cities asked to be home to an AT&T 5G cell phone tower. The 5G technology is promoted as being a more reliable network and provides faster service, but not everyone is on board. Amy Weinstein...
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09/10/2020 | Press release No. 144/20 | digitalization, Joint press release with the Federal Environment Agency Green cloud computing: energy and resource requirements of digital infrastructures Auto translated from German For video streaming in HD quality, different amounts of greenhouse gas emissions arise depending on the transmission technology. The share of CO 2 emissions from data processing in the data center is relatively...
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by jobak17 11 September 2020 Far from absurd conspiracy theories about spreading coronavirus, Jo Baker argues that the rapid and seemingly unstoppable spread of 5G is happening without consultation or due consideration of the economic, environmental and climatic impact of such technologies. 5G infrastructure is currently being rolled out in many of our towns and cities....
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