
Thursday 24 September 2020 | 13:32 CET | News Swisscom said it has partnered with Ericsson and Qualcomm to pick start-ups to develop 5G applications through the 5G Start-up Challenge competition. The winners of the competition can test their applications in March 2021 at Swisscom’s 5G laboratory or other locations and regions and even on trains,...
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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 by Todd Bates, Rutgers University Upcoming 5G wireless networks that will provide faster cell phone service may lead to inaccurate weather forecasts, according to a Rutgers study on a controversial issue that has created anxiety among meteorologists. “Our study—the first of its kind that quantifies the effect of 5G on weather prediction error—suggests that there...
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Source: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-09-24/column-5g-wireless-car-emergency-systems The switch to 5G wireless technology could leave millions of older vehicles cut off from emergency services unless manufacturers upgrade systems.(Cadillac) By DAVID LAZARUS, SEP. 24, 2020 Telecom companies want people to focus on the benefits of state-of-the-art 5G wireless technology: faster speeds, greater reliability. But for possibly millions of car owners, the transition...
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Source: https://www.propertycasualty360.com/2020/09/23/growth-in-5g-and-iot-presents-new-cyber-threats/?slreturn=20200824112831 Cyber-related incidents resulting in damage to physical property have the potential to become an issue as big as data theft or ransomware in the next few years. By Camilla Walker | September 23, 2020 As cyber exposures continue to evolve, property underwriters (along with those in other traditional lines of insurance) are increasingly unwilling to include...
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IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUITNOS. 20-1025 AND 20-1138 Filed: 09/22/2020 Parties.Petitioners in Case No. 20-1025 are Environmental Health Trust, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, Elizabeth Barris, and Theodora Scarato. Petitioners in Case No. 20-1138 are Children’s Health Defense, Michele Hertz, Petra Brokken, Dr. David O. Carpenter, Dr. Toril...
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Source: https://washingtonspectator.org/regulators-steamroll-health-concerns-as-the-global-economy-embraces-5g/ By Joel Moskowitz, Sep 18, 2020 In a Washington Post op-ed (June 4), “5G conspiracy theories threaten the U.S. recovery,” Thomas Johnson Jr., the Federal Communications Commission’s general counsel, declared: “Conjectures about 5G’s effect on human health are long on panic and short on science.” Snippet: According to Johnson, “if we delay 5G deployment based...
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Source: https://dailytimes.com.pk/669095/europe-far-behind-on-5g-deployment-warn-experts/ SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 A group of over 50 of the largest European tech and industrial firms have criticized EU members for lagging behind other countries in the rollout of 5G networks, calling for urgent measures before it is too late to close the gap. The latest analysis by the European Round Table for...
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Source: https://www.itweb.co.za/content/kYbe97XD8XG7AWpG By Admire Moyo, ITWeb’s news editor. Johannesburg, 21 st September 2020 Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE is preparing to capitalise on the expected growth of next-generation 5G technologies in South Africa. This was revealed by Fu Zhen, chief technology officer of ZTE South Africa, and Fahad Nisar, technical marketing director at ZTE South Africa, in an...
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By Pratima Desai SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 LONDON (Reuters) – The need for larger rechargeable batteries and more energy storage for 5G technology is expected to significantly boost demand for cobalt over coming years and potentially pit the sector against electric vehicle makers. Larger batteries, using lithium cobalt oxide chemistry (LCO), are needed in 5G phones because...
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21 SEPTEMBER 2020 The European Commission has urged member states to work together on accelerating the roll-out of fibre and 5G to help drive economic recovery from COVID-19. A new recommendation calls on EU countries to develop a “toolbox” of best practices by March 30 2021. It should include a common approach on measures to: reduce costs...
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