
Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/telecoms/371451-telkom-lodges-complaint-against-vodacom-and-rains-partnership.html Staff Writer 14 October 2020 Telkom approached the Competition Tribunal today to declare the suite of spectrum arrangements between Vodacom and Rain as a merger. According to Telkom, this merger should have been notifiable in terms of the Competition Act. Telkom contends that the merger is notifiable because the multiple agreements between Vodacom...
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Translated from German, original article at: https://www.dhbw-stuttgart.de/artikel/esof-online-session-zur-zukunftsentwicklung-europaeischer-staedte/ 22.09.2020 The “European Science Open Forum (ESOF)”, one of the largest European conferences on science and politics, took place in Trieste/Italy in early September. The DHBW Stuttgart was represented with an online panel discussion on the topic of “Smart EcoDigital Cities and Regions – Challenges and solutions for...
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“Letters to Greta” report on the ecological impacts of streaming video, 5G, manufacturing smartphones, e-vehicles, solar panels and wind turbine systems. Katie Singer writes about technology and nature. “An Electronic Silent Spring” is her most recent book. In 2018, she spoke about the Internet’s footprint at the United Nations. She dreams that every smartphone user...
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Source: https://www.voanews.com/east-asia-pacific/voa-news-china/chinese-5g-not-living-its-hype By John Xie October 10, 2020 Mounted on rooftops, utility poles and streetlights throughout China since last year are hundreds of thousands of high-tech wireless towers for 5G, a powerful sign of the country’s ambition to lead in new technology. Yet many of them are operational for only half the day. China Unicom, one...
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Parliamentary questions, September 24, 2020 Subject: 5G and health risks from EM fields: Commission deliberately confuses the positions of the SCENIHR and SCHEER committees In his answer to the parliamentary question from Member of the European Parliament Sinčić (P-000873/2020) (1) , Commissioner Breton stated that the Scientific Committee on Health Risks, Environmental Risks and Emerging Risks (SCHEER)...
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Source: https://tinyurl.com/y45x97mp The aim is to reassure the public and local officials before technology is rolled out across country. In 2021, 80% of popular smartphone models sold in France are expected to be tested for 5G safety 13 October 2020 By Joanna York The government announced plans on Monday (October 12) to double testing on the...
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Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/cellphone-carriers-lobby-against-pentagon-plan-for-national-5g-network-11602271148?mod=e2tw Defense Department would bypass usual auction process for airwaves; AT&T CEO visited White House to argue against it. Two federal agencies are moving forward with conflicting plans to commercialize a valuable chunk of wireless spectrum controlled by the Defense Department, leaving the future of an asset worth tens of billions of dollars in...
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Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/telecoms/369867-the-reason-why-vumacam-poles-are-much-taller-than-the-camera-domes.html?utm_source=newsletter Staff Writer 7 October 2020 Vumacam poles with grey camera domes have been rolled out across Johannesburg, and one thing which stands out is that the height of the poles far exceeds the height of the domes. The reason for this additional height is to make it possible to carry extra infrastructure such...
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In France, the arrival of 5G technology is imminent: phone network providers hope to begin 5G operations by the end of the year. Together they have spent more than €2 billion purchasing the required frequencies. While the transition to a 5G world is expected to revolutionise various parts of the economy, including the industry and health...
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Source: https://techcentral.co.za/5gs-arrival-is-set-to-spark-a-global-patents-war/101732/ Battles unfolding on several continents over who profits from connected cars, smart homes and robotic surgery may dwarf the size and scope of the tech industry’s first worldwide patent war — the one over smartphones. Automakers are now in court fighting some of the same companies that phone makers such as Apple had to...
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