
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash One has to be SPECIFIC about the frequencies when discussing 5G. 5G is a technology, or to be more accurate, a mixture of technologies. It can, and is transmitted at frequencies [bandwidths] previously occupied by earlier technologies. Therefore the common mistake to automatically assume that 5G is millimeter waves is wrong. Millimeter waves do...
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Source Vanguard https://allafrica.com/stories/202105200104.html 19 MAY 2021, By David O Royal The Senate has approved the deployment of the 5G network in Nigeria, following the outcome of investigations by a Joint Committee mandated to carry out same. The approval followed the consideration of the report of the Joint Committee on Communications, Science and Technology, ICT and...
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BREAKING: Our latest report shows that electricity consumption from China's digital sector is on track to increase 289% by 2035. https://t.co/idqsOLhvPl pic.twitter.com/9ehOIMcIlz— Greenpeace East Asia (@GreenpeaceEAsia) May 28, 2021 Electricity consumption from China’s digital sector on track to increase 289% by 2035: Greenpeace Greenpeace East Asia May 28, 2021  BEIJING, 28 May 2021 – Electricity...
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#NTPtox senior scientist John Bucher, Ph.D., retired in April after nearly four decades at the institute. His scientific achievements, innovative thinking, and mentorship will leave a lasting influence, according to colleagues. https://t.co/8PjTc7Q70P pic.twitter.com/BZyquwrhbi— NIEHS (@NIEHS) May 24, 2021 NIEHS News Environmental Factor May 2021 During almost four decades at the institute, he brought innovation to...
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By OGHENERUEMU ONEYIBO 19th May 2021 On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, the Nigerian Senate asked the federal government to suspend plans to deploy the 5G network pending a six-month investigation into possible health risks associated with the technology. This development comes after the presentation of a report by the Senate Joint Committee on Communications, Science...
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May 20, 2021 By Dan Namowitz Source: AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2021/may/20/aviation-safety-in-focus-as-fcc-expands-5g The wireless communications industry has a “deficient level of understanding” of the threat to radar-altimeter system operation and flight safety posed by “flexible” uses of the 3.7 to 3.98 GHz band, a concern that should prompt the Federal Communications Commission to...
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•R27bn pledge to usher in 5G technologies [Read] @CommsZA and Digital Technologies Minister, @Stellarated has announced that R27 billion has been pledged by operators and vendors to usher in 5G fibre technologies in South Africa https://t.co/WgjbaiPCog pic.twitter.com/75E6epqcFq— @SAgovnews (@SAgovnews) May 19, 2021 Wednesday, May 19, 2021 Communications and Digital Technologies Minister, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, has announced...
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https://twitter.com/EP_ScienceTech/status/1394228147495768065?s=20 Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) European Parliament 31-05-2021 10:00Presentation of the studies: ‘Health impact of 5G’ and ‘Environmental impacts of 5G’ (online event) Over the last decades, novel wireless communication technologies, such as mobile telephones, cellular networks, and Wi-Fi, have been developed at unparalleled speed. The forthcoming rollout of 5G...
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RA lifts moratorium on 5G https://t.co/mDFF4Tjh7l pic.twitter.com/Dm0ZHx8wpK— The Royal Gazette (@TheRoyalGazette) May 16, 2021 Source https://www.royalgazette.com/technology/business/article/20210516/ra-lifts-moratorium-on-5g/ Scott Neil Updated: May 16, 2021 03:08 PM A moratorium on the deployment of 5G technology in Bermuda has been lifted by the Regulatory Authority. It paves the way for telecom companies with the appropriate licence to roll-out Fifth...
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CISA, in coordination with the National Security Agency, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, as part of the Enduring Security Framework (ESF)—a cross-sector, public-private working group—released a Potential Threat Vectors to 5G Infrastructure paper. This paper identifies and assesses risks and vulnerabilities introduced by 5G. The ESF 5G Threat Model Working Panel, a subgroup...
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