
In French: Cahier de la recherche n°20: “Radiofrequencies and health – Understanding where research stands (PDF)  Machine Translated by Google: https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/22-11-ED-Cahiers-de-la-recherche_20-2.pdf ANSES – Research Papers No 20 – Health, Environment, Labor – November 2022 Radiofrequencies and Health: Understand where the research stands May 2021-November 2022 ANSES and the health effects of radiofrequencies (translated) Development of communications...
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Source: https://en.arcep.fr/news/press-releases/view/n/5g-121021.html Frequencies 5G The Conseil d’Etat rejects all of the appeals filed against Arcep decisions regarding the assignment procedure for the 3.5 GHz band. October 12, 2021 In November 2020 and May 2021, two environmental protection associations and several members of the public requested that the Conseil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative court, annul every...
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Source: https://www.anfr.fr/toutes-les-actualites/actualites/observatoire-anfr-au-1er-octobre-57-800-sites-4g-et-29-300-sites-5g-autorises-en-france-par-lanfr/ (Auto-translated from French) 05/10/2021 The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) updated its monthly observatory of mobile network deployments as well as Cartoradio.fr, a cartographic platform which lists all the radio sites authorized on French territory. On 1 st  October ANFR authorized a total of  58,593 mobile network sites in France, all generations  (+ 224 over the month of...
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9th of July 2021 The GSMA called on regulators across the globe to boost mid-band spectrum availability, cautioning without additional allocations meeting United Nations (UN) internet speed targets could cost billions of dollars more per city and have a higher carbon footprint. A study commissioned by the organisation and undertaken by Coleago Consulting estimated the...
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Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash Topics Electrohypersensitivity Geneva Occupational Health Millimeter Waves Telehealth 3.5 GHz: Are health risks “unlikely” ? The Well Being of Children Robotics that could eventually fuse organic tissue with machines Robotics and Cyber Security Ionizing Radiation Latest on the Havana Syndrome Our April 2021 Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/millimeter-waves “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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The government of Canada announced the postponement of its 3.5 GHz spectrum auction due to COVID-19. The auction is now scheduled to start on June 15, 2021. Read more at: http://5gobservatory.eu/canada-postpones-3-5ghz-spectrum-auction/
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The FCC awards more than 20,000 licenses for midband 3.5GHz spectrum. Corinne Reichert The FCC netted almost $4.6 billion after auctioning off 5G spectrum to US carriers. The midband 3.5GHz spectrum will “further the deployment of 5G,” the FCC said Wednesday. More than 20,000 spectrum licenses were awarded, with the FCC to announce more details later this week.  Read...
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On the 6th of April 2020 ICASA made the following International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum bands available for temporary assignment: 700MHz, 800MHz, 2300MHz, 2600MHz and 3500MHz bands. https://www.icasa.org.za/news/2020/emergency-release-of-spectrum-to-meet-the-spike-in-broadband-services-demand-due-to-covid-19 Monday, 4 May 2020: Vodacom Press Release Vodacom has switched on Africa’s first live 5G mobile network in three cities – Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town – with...
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Submissions pour in on Icasa spectrum licensing plan By STAFF REPORTER  2 February 2020 Icasa has received more than 40 written submissions on the licensing of broadband spectrum suitable for building 4G/LTE and 5G networks in South Africa as the communications regulator gears up to auction off radio frequency spectrum. The deadline for submissions was Friday, with...
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