
3.5 GHz
Auto translated from, French, original article Snippet: 12/14/2021 The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) published a preliminary analysis of more than 3000 measurements of public exposure to radiofrequency radiation carried out in 2020 and 2021.  All the frequency bands currently used in 5G have been studied. The results show that the exposure is comparable before and...
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Nous appelons donc à poursuivre la production de connaissance sur ce sujet, en particulier sur les liens entre exposition et effets sanitaires. Nous avons identifié de nouveaux points d’attention. Pour consulter l’intégralité de nos travaux : https://t.co/EPTIL9NWQ4 (9/10) pic.twitter.com/f79w2A1WRo— Anses (@Anses_fr) April 20, 2021 (Auto-translated from French) https://tinyurl.com/brhx5ukx Technological developments and the multiplication of digital...
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Auto translated from French https://labo.fnac.com/actualite/exposition-ondes-5g-anfr-publie-simulation/ See the ANFR diagram at the above link. The French National Frequency Agency has published the results of its study on radiation exposure created by mobile telephony (Mobile telephony: wireless phones that connect to phone towers to perform calls). This simulation, which takes into account the evolution of 4G and the arrival of 5G, tends...
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(Auto translated from French) The deployment of the “5th generation” communication technology promises innovative services based on new infrastructure. These technological developments will modify the methods of exposure of the population, and will require adapting the measurement and evaluation methods. As part of the deployment of 5G planned for the end of the year in France, ANSES...
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Vodacom and MTN are still waiting on ICASA to assign radio frequency spectrum for 5G networks. Rain is the only company in South Africa to have launched its 5G commercial network ( February 2019). They were able to launch the 5G service in Johannesburg by using the 3.6 GHz spectrum already licensed to them. Rain spokesperson...
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