
26 GHz
Source: ANFR https://www.anfr.fr/toutes-les-actualites/actualites/dingenuity-a-thomas-pesquet-quelles-frequences-sont-utilisees-depuis-lespace/ Auto-translated from French 05/12/2021 In recent weeks, the conquest of space has occupied the news a lot with the success of the flight of the first drone on Mars, Ingenuity and the arrival of the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet in the international space station where he will stay 6 months. This media interest...
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Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash Topics Electrohypersensitivity Geneva Occupational Health Millimeter Waves Telehealth 3.5 GHz: Are health risks “unlikely” ? The Well Being of Children Robotics that could eventually fuse organic tissue with machines Robotics and Cyber Security Ionizing Radiation Latest on the Havana Syndrome Our April 2021 Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/millimeter-waves “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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Nous appelons donc à poursuivre la production de connaissance sur ce sujet, en particulier sur les liens entre exposition et effets sanitaires. Nous avons identifié de nouveaux points d’attention. Pour consulter l’intégralité de nos travaux : https://t.co/EPTIL9NWQ4 (9/10) pic.twitter.com/f79w2A1WRo— Anses (@Anses_fr) April 20, 2021 (Auto-translated from French) https://tinyurl.com/brhx5ukx Technological developments and the multiplication of digital...
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French Media Reports ‣France24news: A carbon footprint not neutral, warns the High Council for the climate (Auto translated from French) In a report published on Saturday, December 19, the HCC sounded the alarm. The independent authority believes that the deployment of 5G in France, which began this fall, risks not only increasing electricity consumption, but...
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G. Sacco, S. Pisa and M. Zhadobov, “Impact of Textile on Electromagnetic Power and Heating in Near-Surface Tissues at 26 GHz and 60 GHz,” in IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, doi: 10.1109/JERM.2020.3042390. Abstract: With the development of 5th generation (5G) networks the operating frequencies have been progressively expanding towards millimeter...
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Our September 2020 newsletter is available at: https://mailchi.mp/31e061ea2652/emf-news Don’t miss out on our October webinars, details in the newsletter.
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Source: https://www.capacitymedia.com/articles/3826448/greece-launches-3673mn-tender-for-5g-frequencies Melanie Mingas The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) has launched Greece’s tender to award frequencies to operate the country’s 5G networks. Published Thursday, EETT said the auction concerns the 700-megahertz, the 2GHz, the 3,400-3,800 MHz and the 26 GHz bands. The starting price for the entire set of frequencies is set at...
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Posted on September 5, 2020 Snippet: This real scientific debate is not happening in ICNIRP where all members are selected to have the same opinion and the consensus is… given, and not an outcome of the real scientific debate. How it is possible that the same members of ICNIRP and of the Health Council of the Netherlands vouch for...
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31/05/2020|6min Sky News contributor Djuro Sen says 5G “is a gamechanger, but not yet” and it “hasn’t quite lived up to the hype one year on”. “We’ve gotta wait a couple of years before 5G really ramps up,” Mr Sen told Sky News. “I don’t think we’re going to see real 5G for a couple...
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Vodafone has announced that it will be activating its 5G network Tuesday evening, across more than half of the Netherlands. This news comes despite the fact that the nation’s first 5G spectrum auction has yet to take place. The Telecompaper states: Vodafone starts 5G network in “half of the Netherlands”, not “more than half of...
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