
Video explaining the guidelines available at: https://www.icnirp.org/en/publications/article/rf-guidelines-2020480.html Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) Health Phys 118(5):483-524; 2020. (This publication was published ahead of print in March 2020).  Further information on the new ICNIRP RF EMF Guidelines The ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields are for the protection of humans exposed to...
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  ICNIRP_Media_Release_110320 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)1,2 Author Information Health Physics: March 11, 2020 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001210 Guidelines_for_Limiting_Exposure_to.99797 (1)  
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