
Research and Studies
November 4, 2019 JAMA Pediatr. Published online November 4, 2019. doi: Question  Is screen-based media use associated with differences in the structural integrity of brain white matter tracts that support language and literacy skills in preschool-aged children? Findings  In this cross-sectional study of 47 healthy prekindergarten children, screen use greater than that recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines...
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Sustainability 2019, 11(14), 3989; Abstract Light pollution is a serious environmental issue with many adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem as a whole. Accordingly, many countries have issued laws and regulations to limit the effects of artificial lighting at night (ALAN). The Republic of Korea and China are among the few countries that have drafted...
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Source: SMJ Mortazavi Accumulating evidence reveals that exposure of bacteria to a wide variety of physical stressors ranging from ultrasound to ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation can make them resistant to antibiotics. A study conducted recently showed that the exposure of E. coli DH5α to Wi-Fi radiofrequency radiation for 5 hours influenced several bacterial cellular and...
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Slides of Leszczynski’s lecture at the Rutherford House Lecture Theatre 1 (RHLT1), Pipitea Campus, Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, Nov. 27, 2019 (Leszczynski New Zealand Lecture Wellington November 2019). Leszczynski: “In my lectures, I am presenting science with all its limitations. I am trying to educate listeners that not every peer-reviewed study is a good...
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J Biomed Phys Eng. 2019 Oct; 9(5): 579–586. Published online 2019 Oct 1. doi: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.1106 Abstract Background: The radiation emitted from electromagnetic fields (EMF) can cause biological effects on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including non-thermal effects. Objective: The present study evaluated the non-thermal effects of wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) operating at 2.4 GHz part of non-ionizing EMF on...
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Sensors (Basel). 2019 Aug 28;19(17). pii: E3724. doi: 10.3390/s19173724. Abstract The aim of this study was to model the absorption in the head of an electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by a radiofrequency identification reader operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz (recognized as an RFID HF reader), with respect to the direct biophysical effects evaluated by...
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Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2017 Mar;23(1):143-145. doi: 10.1080/10803548.2016.1226597. Epub 2016 Sep 19. Abstract As a case study we have measured the magnetic field from an induction loop pad designed for hearing aid assistance. The magnitude of the field was high, although well below international guidelines. We recorded values up to 70% of the recommended standard...
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Abstract Various risk factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of glioblastomas including ionizing radiation. Recent evidence has suggested a possible association between exposure to nonionizing radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) generated from mobile phones and wireless devices to cause malignant transformation of the neuroglial cells, albeit this is widely debated. In this report, we discuss the development...
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  The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment Excerpt: As regards standards or threshold values for emissions of electromagnetic fields of all types and frequencies, the Assembly strongly recommends that the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle is applied, covering both the so-called thermal effects and the athermic or...
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Credit for post: Professor Tom Butler and The EM Radiation Research Trust PDF “Digital Technology is hardly the benign, neutral presence in education that we are often assured it to be” Selwyn (2015, p. 247) Abstract There is a dearth of scientific evidence and evidence-based practice to justify current levels of digital technology use for...
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