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The monograph “Mobile phone and health” has been published, author Yuri Borisovich Zubarev, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, member of the RNKZNI
Monograph by Corresponding Member of RAS Yu.B. Zubarev is a special edition because of the author’s unique scientific and practical experience, which allows him to comprehensively consider the topic. Yuri Borisovich is well known to specialists in the field of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation, since it was he who ordered the sanitary standards for radio frequencies that were published in 1984 and 2003. It is these SanPiNs that today determine approaches to the electromagnetic safety of cellular communications and other radio transmission facilities.
But, first of all, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.B. Zubarev is known in the telecommunications industry – as the deputy minister of communications in charge of science in the industry, and as the director of the Radio Research Institute. He stood at the origins of the creation of federal mobile communication systems for general and special purposes, for which he was awarded the high award of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The monograph analyzes the application of the electromagnetic field in radio communications, in particular in mobile communications. The author examines the history of the development of sanitary standards for radio frequencies in our country, analyzing the issue from the point of view of the state customer of these SanPiN. Yuri Borisovich notes an important feature of the procedure for developing the maximum permissible levels of radio frequencies – under his leadership, the creation of sanitary standards preceded the development of fundamentally new radio transmitting means or went in parallel with the creation of new technology. The State Program for the Study of the Bioeffects of Radio Frequencies, adopted in 1984, made it possible to conduct biomedical research with promising modulation methods and a method for organizing complex electromagnetic signals, which provided a scientific groundwork that is relevant even for analyzing the biological effects of a 5G signal.
A significant section of the book is devoted to the prospects for the development of mobile communications. The opinion of Yuri Borisovich, as the ideologist of the scientific and technical foundations of this popular technology, is extremely important for understanding the possible consequences of electromagnetic pollution for the health of the population of our country, and also allows you to analyze and choose the optimal measures to create a healthy environment. Special attention of Yu.B. Zubarev pays attention to methods of protecting children and pregnant women, believing that their health is a task of state importance in the Russian Federation.
The monograph was reviewed by the founding member of the RNKZNI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.P. Paltsev and Doctor of Technical Sciences E.P. Arzumyan, Chief Researcher, MNITI CJSC.
The publication can be ordered from the author, contact through the Scientific Secretary of the RNKZNI V.A. Alekseev or through the postgraduate department of CJSC “MNITI”
Name of the publication: Mobile phone and health: monograph / Yu.B. Zubarev. – Ed. 5th, rev. – M .: Biblio-Globus, 2020 .– 254 p.
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