5G and health
September 2, 2020 https://www.healthcouncil.nl/documents/advisory-reports/2020/09/02/5g-and-health
Emphasis added by EMFSA
4.1 Conclusions Page 26
In its analysis, the committee has assessed whether electromagnetic fields in the 5G frequency ranges have the potential to cause adverse health effects. It has assessed whether relations exist between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the one hand and the occurrence of diseases and conditions on the other. The relations between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and the occurrence of cancer, reduced male fertility, poorer pregnancy outcomes and congenital defects have been classified by the committee as ‘possible’. However, the committee deems the relation between exposure and these and other diseases or conditions to be neither proven nor probable. The committee has also looked at the relation between exposure and biological processes, such as cognition, sleep and electrical activity in the brain. It is probable that changes in electrical activity in the brain are associated with exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, but it is not known whether that is favourable or unfavourable in health terms. For the majority of other biological processes it has neither been demonstrated nor is it probable that changes in them are associated with exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Relations are classified as ‘possible’ for these processes. For changes in the immune system and hormone levels, no relation was found.

The findings about effects on male fertility and on pregnancy outcomes and congenital defects are based largely on animal studies. The extent to which these can be extrapolated to humans is not known.
It has not been possible for the committee to derive from the studies exposure levels at which the effects being investigated could occur in humans.
Because there is also a lack of knowledge about future exposure levels of individuals as a result of the introduction of 5G telecommunication and other possible applications such as self-driving cars, the committee is unable to make any statement about the actual health risks of future exposures to 5G frequencies