Source: Microwave News
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Denis Habauzit’s group Inserm exposed three batches of the same type of skin cells, each from a different source, to 60.4 GHz millimeter waves in “exactly the same way” and looked at changes in gene expression. They saw divergent responses.
For the 3 samples, they found the expression of some genes went up, others went down and some were unchanged: “Surprisingly, we found three different expression profiles despite using identical exposure conditions.” Note keratinocytes are the most common type of skin cells.
The clear message: An important variable is unaccounted for. Keep this in mind when evaluating 5G experimental findings on skin cells – as well as other studies.
The work was sponsored by Anses which favors precaution and more health research, especially for 5G radiation.
-Jan 27TH: In new report, ANSES the French health & environment agency, wants to learn more about impacts of 5G
-Major new report from ANSES on power-frequency EMFs out today. French govt recommends precaution especially for children and pregnant women. Also: No high-voltage lines & substations near schools & hospitals. … And more research.
From Jerry Phillips, then in Ross Adey’s lab in Loma Linda, now at UCCS: “Back in 1988, Motorola criticized my comet studies which were done with a single cell line because the responses went up, down, stayed the same with different exposure regimens.. “Even when I used the same procedures, effects, while generally the same, differed in magnitude. This wasn’t earth-shattering science then, nor is it now. No matter how hard you try to maintain things the same when you work with cultured cells, you can’t, period.”
Dariusz Leszczynski:
My group published similar research in 2006 and 2010 studies on genes and on proteins, respectively.
Proteomics. 2006 Sep;6(17):4769-80. doi: 10.1002/pmic.200600076.
Proteome Sci. 2010 Oct 18;8:52. doi: 10.1186/1477-5956-8-52.
Source: Microwave News@MicrowaveNews
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