1,670 Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields: Powerwatch

The work of engineer Alasdair Philips, the Science Director and co-founder of PowerWatch. Powerwatch has been researching the links between EMF and health risks for more than 25 years.  For more information about PowerWatch go to: https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/docs/aboutus.asp.  

When it comes to EMF issues, one of the most frequently heard phrases is “There is no evidence to support EMFs having health effects” or simply “There is no conclusive evidence”.

This is completely wrong; there is an enormous body of evidence out there, but public and even academic awareness seems to be very poor.

Peer-reviewed scientific studies on EMF related subjects

This list will be updated periodically.

Not a comprehensive list of studies.

PowerWatch selected these studies from their internal database of 15,000 (approx.) scientific papers, most of which address EMF.

The list is published on EMFSA with the kind permission of Alasdair Philips.

To download the 95-page list (pdf): https://drive.google.com/file/d/19CbWmdGTnnW1iZ9pxlxq1ssAdYl3Eur3/view

Powerwatch science database  – enables the user to search specific fields in their database for specified time periods.  https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/science/science-db.asp



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