
Radiofrequency radiation and metal containing nanoparticles

A French research project: 5G RFR (26 GHz) and co-exposures with nanoparticles (PCC-NPs) in personal care/cosmetic products Background The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has selected 45 research projects which will receive funding amounting to a total of €7.41 million. This research seeks to provide new knowledge on environmental […]

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Insects: Anthropogenic Electromagnetic Radiation (including ALAN) – Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Environmental Health

16th of December 2023 Widely known causes of insect decline are deforestation, pesticide use, artificial light pollution and climate change. Although there is growing concern about the effect of anthropogenic (man made) electromagnetic radiation exposure to insects we cannot ignore the effect of another type of anthropogenic EMR, artificial light at night (ALAN). Vanbergen et […]

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EMC,EMI Complexities and Challenges

31st October 2023 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) EMC is defined as the ability of devices and systems to operate in their electromagnetic environment without impairing their functions and without faults and vice versa. EMC ensures that operation does not influence the electromagnetic environment to the extent that the functions of other devices and systems are adversely […]