
Kardaras Petitions for Warning Labels on Cellphones, Computers

Psychotherapist Nicholas Kardaras, author of Glow Kids, which warns of the dangers of excessive screen time by children, is petitioning the U.S. Senate and House to demand warning labels on cellphones, computers. Kardaras quotes Dr. Andrew Dean, head of addiction research of the U.S. Navy, as saying, “I feel like there’s a war going on […]

Screen-free Holiday Challenge

Embrace the New Year unplugged,relaxed and rested. Here are some of the positive effects your child can experience when liberated from screens for a few weeks: Reduction of neuropsychiatric phenomenon, like tics, seizures (all kinds), and headaches Decreased time spent in fight-or-flight, and more time spent in healing states Improved sleep: more time spent in […]

Why Wireless Technologies Can Place Childhood Development at Risk

Are you a parent? Are you considering getting pregnant? Are you an educator? Then this article is particularly relevant for you.

FCC Disability Advisory on Wireless Health Effects: Disability/Cancer and Brain Damage

KEVIN MOTTUS at the FCC DIsabilty Advisory Committee on Wireless. On Dec 6 the Committee had another meeting. This time Kevin Mottus from the California Brain Tumor Association, spoke with the hope of awakening the committee to the reality of the many adults and children who have become disabled by wireless technology beause of the […]

Karl Hecht: Health Implications of Long-term Exposure to Electrosmog (English edition 2016)

Source: Excerpts: The author criticizes the loss of democratic culture,which makes the implications of the telecommunications policy for the public even worse.The brochure concludes with an appeal that sees the human right to health violated on several levels.He calls on the government and the political parties of the Federal Republic of Germany to put […]