
EMFSA September 2024 Newsletter

Snippet: Researchers studied the impact of light pollution on zebrafish and discovered that blue light, like that emitted by phones and electronic devices, caused the most significant anxiety responses. After only five nights of exposure, the zebrafish began to exhibit signs of anxiety. Furthermore, the next generation of zebrafish displayed anxiety-related behaviors, indicating the potential […]

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Clinical Practice Guideline for Suspected RFR-EMF Overexposure in Military Service Members

Guideline Only/Not a Substitute for Clinical Judgment The 17 page guideline is available at (Snippet) Introduction Acute Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) overexposures pose safety hazards to service members. Overexposures caused by RF-EMF emitting sources (e.g., navigation or radar systems, electromagnetic countermeasures, or Directed Energy EMF Weapons) can compromise essential military functions.1An overexposure is […]

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The Future of mRNA Vaccines

(Review, Open Access) Long-lasting, biochemically modified mRNA, and its frameshifted recombinant spike proteins in human tissues and circulation after COVID-19 vaccination Abbreviations 2H-D deuterium mRNA messenger RNA Polθ polymerase theta SARS-CoV severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by corona virus WT natural wild-type Guest post by James Lech Why It Matters This study challenges […]

Spotlight on “WHO assessment of health effects of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: systematic reviews”, a special series in Environment International

Resource: Publication date 24th April 2024 Summary: WHO is currently updating the assessment of potential health risk possibly related to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). A series of systematic reviews commissioned by the WHO will substantially inform the new WHO EHC monograph. But what exactly is a systematic review? What requirements must such a review […]

Spotlight on EMF Research

Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) Every month, well over 100 scientific articles are published in peer-reviewed international journals that relate to electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) and their potential health-related effects. “Spotlight on EMF Research” presents individual current articles, classifies them in the context of the existing state of knowledge by the BfS and evaluates their relevance for radiation protection. Read […]

The First USA Master’s Degree in Deutenomics

Ref. NSUWorks Citation Nicole Korchinsky. 2024. Nutritional Deuterium Depletion and Health: A Scoping Review. Capstone. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from NSUWorks, . (10) Congratulations to Nicole Korchinsky who earned the first Master’s Degree in Deutenomics in the USA with an excellent presentation and answers to questions.Her thesis is available at’s presentation and defense can be heard here