US FDA 2020 Report on carcinogenicity of RF-EMF contradicts safety claims of ICNIRP

Reposted from Between a Rock and a Hard Place, a science blog on mobile phone radiation and health, by Dariusz Leszczynski:

US FDA 2020 Report on carcinogenicity of RF-EMF contradicts safety claims of ICNIRP

In February 2020 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published Report analyzing studies examining the possible causal link between RF-EMF and cancer.

The anti-5G activists in their reading of the FDA Report have narrowly focused on Report’s dismissal of the carcinogenicity evidence/claim by the FDA and they demand withdrawal of the FDA Report as biased and scientifically flawed. This might be a mistake, like ‘throwing out baby with a bath water’, because FDA Report, when read carefully, contradicts some of the opinions of ICNIRP that are the pillars of the ICNIRP’s claim of RF-EMF safety.

In 1980’s, it was US FDA opinion, referred as ‘low-power exclusion’, that permitted deployment of cellular communication technology without pre-market testing for health effects.

Some 30 years later, in 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified this ‘low-power exclusion’ agent, the RF-EMF emitted by cell phones, as possible human carcinogen (category 2B in the IARC scale). It means that in 2011 it was determined that there is limited evidence in human (epidemiology) studies to support the possibility of carcinogenic effect of RF-EMF but the supporting evidence from animal in vivo studies was considered as insufficient (only the 6 co-exposure animal in vivo studies supported the notion of carcinogenicity).

After the 2011 IARC classification was published, many organizations expressed criticism of it, e.g.: ICNIRP, SCENIHR, SSI, IEEE/ICES, MMF (currently MWF), GSMA and many others, for going too far with the classification. The activists, on the other hand, were complaining that the IARC classification didn’t go far enough.


US FDA 2020 Report on carcinogenicity of RF-EMF contradicts safety claims of ICNIRP


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