
Posted on March 15th, 2021
Dariusz Leszczynski:
I have written, on several occasions, about the differences between ICNIRP opinions and opinions of ICNIRP members when placed in non-ICNIRP scientific committees. There is something wrong with ICNIRP, that operates in detachment from science in general and thrives thanks to the support from the German government and telecom industry umbrella organizations as MWF and GSMA. Here are few examples of ICNIRP-bubble…
- Clear indication that ICNIRP review of science is skewed and should be independently validated
- BERENIS disagrees with ICNIRP
- Leszczynski: Statement on the need for validation of ICNIRP’s review of science
- Leszczynski: There is something utterly wrong with the ICNIRP membership
- Significant discrepancy of opinions on 5G and health between ICNIRP and the Health Council of the Netherlands
…and a news message from Joel Moskowitz…
Christopher J. Portier, former director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), and a scientific advisor for the World Health Organization (WHO), recently completed an expert report on brain tumor risk from exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation used in cellphone technology.