The post that should go viral: As Coronavirus Hygiene is in full-swing, EMF Hygiene remains unreported by nearly all media sources.

Many thanks to Scott Compton for permission to repost. Scott is an EMR specialist and health coach. 

“But what if people on the street suddenly became aware that their own digital toys might contribute to their lowered immune status, which may promote viruses, bacteria and molds to take root inside the body more easily. What if the public understood the basics of our biological requirements as humans: that living and working daily and continuously for months and years in altered and artificial environments away from Nature and Her frequencies is a slow-moving pandemic that is rarely reported.”

Myster Spock’s Logic for the 21st Century

Here is the post that should ‘go-viral.’ As Coronavirus Hygiene is in full-swing, EMF Hygiene remains unreported by nearly all media sources. Short-term panics feed revenue to the media. However, long-term toxic health impacts barely make the news. Yep, pandemics turn heads.

As people spread the news about Coronavirus using their microwave-emitting devices, most people are not paying much attention to the profound irony at-hand-and-device-in-hand: nnEMF taxing biological cells with many negative biological health effects. Electrosmog won’t be classified as a “pandemic” yet because most people are unlearned in the biophysics at this time in human history. Once enough humans realize that natural EMF is inescapable from life, it’s the same moment humans will begin to question how polarized, pulsed and unnatural frequencies have put humanity under an invisible, new experiment of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries.

Living systems make use of ultra-weak electromagnetic energy to regenerate. This has been known well in the science since the 1960s. It is quite clear that humans have electrical organs such as the brain and heart measured with the EEG and EKG respectively. Humans are electrical beings that have organelles, like mitochondria’s 30,000,000 Volt/meter gradient between the inner and outer membrane. A human’s cell surface has voltage gated channels. Biophotonic electromagnetic energy is required for signaling pathways. The list goes on and one with internal EMF and biological processes. Industry and media may know a bit of this science, but they continually bank on the unlearned public remaining, well, unlearned.

Extra, Extra! Extra free-radical generation doesn’t exactly make front-page news. It’s sort of flies over the heads of most people that are not very-well learned in mitochondrial dynamics. But what if people on the street suddenly became aware that their own digital toys might contribute to their lowered immune status, which may promote viruses, bacteria and molds to take root inside of body more easily. What if the public understood the basics of our biological requirements as humans: that living and working daily and continually for months and years in altered and artificial environments away from Nature and Her frequencies is a slow-moving pandemic that is rarely reported.

Shhhhh, did you know that sunlight frequencies do wonders to blast apart viruses, bacteria and molds? Sunlight is free, so it’s not advertised on most media outlets as a disinfectant. How many times have you heard, “Maybe it’s time to get out into the sun to help ward off the latest virus or bacteria?” Let’s take a look at the past two decades:

SARS in 2003
Avian Flu in 2006
Swine Flu in 2009
MERS-COV in 2012
Ebola in 2014
Disney measles in 2015
Zika in 2016
Common Flu in 2018
Measles in 2019
Corona in 2020

Do you think Earth’s nnEMF footprint has increased much in the past 40 years? Aside from the expansion of the powergrid, let’s take look at 1G through 5G:

1G Introduced in 1979 (Analog system)
2G Introduced in 1991 (Digital, encrypted)
3G Introduced in 1998 (Data transfer of 144 Kbit/s)
4G Introduced in 2011 (Mobile broadband access, HDTV)
4G-LTE/4.5G (more data transfer, MIMO: more frequencies)
5G: 2020+ (IoTs, more data transfer, coverage, lower latency)

Do you think humans are consuming screens and wireless radiation more or less? Are they sitting inside behind computers under artificial lighting more or less? Do you think the living systems inside of a human are digesting more artificial or more natural frequencies? Do you expect those humans living in artificial environments to have more circadian rhythm disruption and more oxidative stress because of the artificial, combination-nnEMF-soup in the Electromagnetic Spectrum?

Maybe it’s time the humans made it a bigger point to live closer to nature’s cycles and prioritize the outdoors as much as their devices by finding a forest, bouncing to a beach or just walking under sunlight. Even the cloudy day has vast benefits. The sun’s spectrum emission is what life desires for life at every minute of the day: dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and dusk.

How many sunrises and sunsets have you seen this year?

Image added by EMFSA, source

“Oxidative stress occurs if the antioxidant defense system is unable to prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. Several studies have reported that exposure to EMF results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body. Exposure to EMF is known to increase free radical concentrations and traceability and can affect the radical couple recombination.”

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