Date: April 15, 2021 Author: Lost Thread
Lost Thread is journalistically edited and registered with the Press Board.

(Auto translated from Danish)
NEWS / ABROAD: For years, German professor Alexander Lerchl was behind false accusations that crucial research on mobile phone radiation had been falsified, and in December 2020, he was convicted for the second time of libel by a North German court.
This is how Lost Thread reported in January and February this year on the Lerchl scandal in several articles.
Lost Thread described, among other things, how the double-convicted professor – despite two defamation convictions for false fraud allegations – continues to enjoy support from the radiation authority in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Thus, Alexander Lerchl is entrusted with approximately 8 million. kroner for a research project to investigate 5G-specific effects.
In this connection, on 1 February 2021, Tabt Tråd asked a number of questions to the BfS (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz), which is the German Federal Authority for Radiation Protection.
Still collaborating?
Lost Thread would like to know why the BfS continues to support Alexander Lerchl despite his convictions for false fraud allegations and asked three specific questions:
– Mr. Lerchl was convicted in 2015 by the court in Hamburg of false accusations against the research project REFLEX. Nevertheless, BfS continued to cooperate and finance. Why?
– Does the fact that Lerchl has now been convicted for the second time have any consequences for the authority’s cooperation and financing?
– Or why does such a verdict not matter for the collaboration?
It took well over a month before BfS responded to Lost Thread.
In a reply sent by the press service, BfS does not answer any of Tabt Tråd’s questions.
Lost Thread presents here the English-language answer from BfS, unedited:
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is the scientific-technical higher federal authority for radiation protection in Germany.
Its core task is to protect man and the environment from damage caused by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. To this end, the BfS has to make reliable statements on health-related risks from radiation, based on the current state of scientific knowledge.
The BfS imposes strict requirements on the expertise, working methods and transparency of organizations whose reports are used for the BfS’s work. The research projects issued by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection are subject to public procurement law. By defining suitability criteria as part of the tendering procedure, BfS ensures that research contractors meet the appropriate technical requirements.
Contracts are awarded in competition and by means of transparent award procedures to qualified contractors.
All research projects issued by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection are published on the Federal e-procurement tender platform and can be viewed there at .
For the BfS technical statement and comments on the Final Report of the REFLEX Research Network (5th EU Framework Program), please refer to
Sincerely yours, i. A. Julia Rudorf. Press reference.
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