J. C. Lin, “The Havana Syndrome and Microwave Weapons [Health Matters],” in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 13-14, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2021.3102201.


Every few months, if not weeks, another mysterious attack on U.S. diplomatic and intelligence personnel is reported. Some of the attacks occurred years ago, while others were recounted as recently as July 2021 [1] – [3] . Over the past four or five years, nearly 200 U.S. personnel have reported similar attacks while working in places like Havana, Guangzhou, London, Moscow, Vienna, and Washington, D.C. The acute symptoms include headache and nausea immediately following the sounds of loud buzzing or bursts. The illness and symptoms have been called the “Havana Syndrome” after the place where cases were first reported. It refers to the range of symptoms first experienced by U.S. State Department personnel overseas.

PDF https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ielx7/6668/9557208/09557212.pdf

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