Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Increased radiation from cell towers poses potential risks, say scientists from around the world.
“The wireless industry is trying to deploy technology that may have some very real unintended harmful consequences,” explains one of the organizers of the letter, Lennart Hardell, MD,PhD,Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. “Scientific studies from years ago along with many new studies are consistently identifying harmful human health impacts when wireless products are tested properly using conditions that reflect actual exposures. With hazards at those exposures, we are very concerned that the added exposure to 5G radiation could result in tragic, irreversible harm.”
5G expansion, which is designed to carry higher loads of data more rapidly through wireless transmission, will require the construction of cell towers every 10-20 houses in urban areas.
“We, the undersigned, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 nations, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.”
University of California, Berkeley public health researcher Joel Moskowitz,PhD, explains:
“Peer-reviewed research has documented industry influence on studies of the health impacts of wireless radiation. We are insisting on a moratorium on 5G until non-industry research can be conducted to ensure the safety of the public.”
Moskowitz is one of the advisors to an earlier effort, the International EMF Scientist Appeal, a petition submitted to the United Nations and World Health Organization in 2015. The Appeal has now been signed by more than 230 scientists from 41 nations—all have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic or health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF).
Since the Appeal was published, the world’s largest $25 million study, conducted by the National Toxicology Program National Toxicology Program in the US, shows statistically significant increases in the incidence of brain and heart cancer in animals exposed to cellphone radiation at levels below international guidelines. This supports human studies on cellphone radiation and brain tumour risk, as demonstrated in many peer-reviewed scientific studies. (
In California, city and county governments are opposing SB649, an industry-sponsored bill which overrides local control over the wireless industry’s access to utility poles and public buildings for 5G deployment. Environmental health advocates fear that exposure to the added radiation from 5G infrastructure will contribute to increased health problems.
“If this bill passes, many people will suffer greatly, and needlessly, as a direct result. This sounds like hyperbole. It is not.” according to Beatrice Golomb,MD,PhD, Professor of Medicine in the medical school at the University of California, San Diego. In her open letter which summarizes the research on the effects of radio frequency radiation, she concludes, ”Let our focus be on safer, wired and well shielded technology – not more wireless.”
Sweden: Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD
UK: Alasdair Philips, BSc, DAgE, MIEEE
USA: Joel Moskowitz, PhD
USA: Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD
International EMF Scientist Appeal –
5G Wireless Technology: Is 5G Harmful to Our Health?
5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects
Cell Tower Health Effects
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
5G Wireless Technology: Major newspaper editorials oppose “small cell” antenna bills
Industry-funded Scientists Undermine Cell Phone Radiation Science
Government Failure to Address Wireless Radiation Risks
FCC Open Letter: Moratorium on New Commercial Applications of RF Radiation
An Exposé of the FCC: An Agency Captured by the Industries it Regulates
WHO Radiofrequency Radiation Policy
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety