Poland: Relax Radiation Standards to Accommodate 5G

October 2019:

The 0.1 W/m2 threshold is currently in force in Poland. At these levels, it forms an obstacle to the deployment of 5G.

Under a new law, the Ministry of Health will set limits for electromagnetic field emissions, taking the task over from the Ministry of Environment.


September 2019:

Polish national telecommunications regulator UKE has issued a negative opinion on the government decision prepared by the Ministry of Environment, recognising telecom equipment as having a significant impact on the environment, reports Telepolis.pl. If approved, the decision could hold back the deployment and upgrade of mobile base stations and TV transmitters, due to hold-ups from environmental institutions.


In countries with EMF limits significantly below the ICNIRP limits, the rollout of 5G networks will be a major problem:

5G – Harmonization of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Standards Worldwide

5G comes a step closer in Poland


Mobile operator Orange Poland, in cooperation with Ericsson, is starting open testing of the 5G network in Warsaw.

Last Friday Andrzej Duda signed a set of laws enabling the construction of the 5G network, which will get the go-ahead at the beginning of next year if, as expected the Digitalisation Ministry liberalises legislation on the levels of permissible electromagnetic radiation.


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