
Re-posted from  July 2, 2020 WE KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT… UNDER DICTATE FROM TELECOMS AND ICNIRP, GOVERNMENTS DEPLOY 5G WITHOUT PRE-MARKET TESTING AND WITHOUT SETTING RESEARCH AGENDA ON 5G AND HEALTH. Excerpt: Waldemar Kraska, Secretary of State: 1. there is no research on whether 5G will affect life and health of Poles...
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06/30/2020 Auto translated from French. Source: The obligation to inform the consumer regarding the specific absorption rate (SAR) is extended, from July 1, 2020, to all radio equipment emitting more than 20 mW and intended to be used near the body. This obligation was previously limited only to mobile telephones. The national agency of frequencies (ANFR)...
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Source: The Fourth Industrial Revolution will fuse advanced technologies with high-speed wireless connectivity to blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. The ensuing impact on our systems will transform how we produce, manage and govern our world and ourselves. By Louis Lehot and Ethan Floyd, L2 Counsel | June 29, 2020 at 07:00 AM...
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Our June 2020 newsletter can be viewed at:   “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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Source: by YubaNet June 23, 2020 Washington June 23, 2020 – Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) today introduced the Military Aviators Cancer Incidence Study Act, a bill directing the military to conduct a study comparing cancer prevalence among military aviators to that of the general population. Reporting by McClatchy  suggests that military aviators may be exposed to...
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June 26th, Hanover County, VA: Hanover Fire Marshal's Office InvestigationAfter an extensive investigation, there is no criminal investigation underway. We believe that this is an accidental fire as a result of electrical/mechanical issues.— Hanover Fire-EMS (@HanoverFireEMS1) June 27, 2020
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Telkom loses ConCourt battle on cellphone masts Source: By Samuel Mungadze Johannesburg, 26 June 2020 The Constitutional Court (ConCourt) delivered a blow to Telkom yesterday, dismissing the company’s bid to be allowed to install telecommunications stations – cellphone masts – at locations of its choice without prior approval from local authorities. Telkom approached the...
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Wednesday, June 24, 2020 Although no research has been published on the bioeffects or health effects from exposure to 5G radiation, the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) has published an “expert statement” in the journal Health Physics that claims “(w)ithin current exposure limits, there appears to be little or no risk of adverse health effects related...
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