
Source: By: Valerie Insinna and Aaron Mehta, December 21 at 5:00 AM WASHINGTON — As part of a broader move to boost the 5G industry in the United States, the Federal Communications Commission on Dec. 8 began auctioning a portion of C-band electromagnetic spectrum, a move the committee’s chairman, Ajit Pai, celebrated as “a big day for...
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As we look back on 2020:  We are deeply grateful for the tremendous support, encouraging and positive correspondence and comments. Some of you we have known for years, some only a short time. We appreciate you all. We thank our associate James Lech, who despite his busy schedule, made time for our monthly webinars. We wish you...
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French Media Reports ‣France24news: A carbon footprint not neutral, warns the High Council for the climate (Auto translated from French) In a report published on Saturday, December 19, the HCC sounded the alarm. The independent authority believes that the deployment of 5G in France, which began this fall, risks not only increasing electricity consumption, but...
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Source: News Analysis MIKE DANO, Editorial Director, 5G & Mobile Strategies 12/18/2020 US military officials are in the early stages of developing a unified, comprehensive, interoperable wireless networking system that would basically connect everything owned and operated by the Pentagon. Commanders envision the system connecting “sensors with shooters across all domains, commands and services.”...
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Source: By John Walko  12.18.2020 Some good news emerged earlier this month regarding 5G networks. Nokia and Telefonica have been monitoring various different load traffic scenarios, measuring the energy consumed per Mbps in the radio access network (RAN). They now report that it is “up to” 90% more efficient than with legacy 4G networks. That’s important...
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Vodacom Group Media release Vodafone and AST SpaceMobile unveil launch plans for space-based mobile network initially reaching 1.6 billion people Thursday, 17 December 2020 •AST & Science LLC (“AST SpaceMobile”) secures necessary funding for first phase commercial launch of space-based mobile network. •Project aims to transform mobile network coverage for the 49 largest countries in...
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Source: 5G was supposed to be a revolution. So far in 2020, it’s not even been a great evolution. December 15, 2020 By Vlad-Gabriel Anghel, DCPRO We are reaching the end of 2020, a tumultuous year that saw us realign our priorities, re-imagine our surroundings and adapt to a new way of living – at...
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The deployment of 5G relay antennas in the territory of Fontenay-sous-Bois is suspended until the publication of the ANSES report on “Deployment of 5G communication technology and associated health effects” and until ‘a prior environmental assessment is carried out. The decision was made on the 26th of November 2020. The municipal order is available from...
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From the American Mensa Review of Screenformation: “This book is deeply researched … a must-read for parents, grandparents, and teachers.” — MENSA BULLETIN September 2019___The BOOK Screenformation presents the latest scientific studies, academic research, and expert commentary on the harmful effects of screentime. It is the definitive collection of the biological, psychological, physiological, sociological, and...
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