
Co-produced by Data & Society and Public Books, “Becoming Data” is the third season of of Public Books 101, a podcast that turns a scholarly eye towards a world worth studying. The first episode premieres Monday, May 17, 2021. In the podcast series, Natalie Kerby of Data & Society asks her guests: How...
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Source: As space becomes more crowded, there’s little hope for new international rules to make it safer. By Patrick Tucker, Technology Editor May 6th, 2021 Debris from a crashing Chinese rocket hurtling toward Earth and a Russian projectile-shooting spy satellite are the two examples of a big problem: too few rules governing how nations behave in space. Wednesday...
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Source: Bonnethead sharks swam in the direction of their home waters when placed in a tank charged with an electromagnetic field. By Alex Fox SMITHSONIANMAG.COMMAY 6, 2021 Every December, great white sharks swimming off the coast of California make a beeline for a mysterious spot in the middle of the Pacific roughly halfway to...
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Source By Sara Xia, April 12, 2021 Online games in China must get approval from the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) to be published and sold in China. See China Online Game Approval Laws. The NPPA review and approval process involves requiring that the game have a built-in addiction prevention mechanism. In November 2019, the...
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What happened to the last Chinese rocket remains that fell from space? Loren Gush from the Verge reported in May 2020: An out-of-control Chinese rocket may have dumped debris in Africa after falling from space On Monday, a massive, out-of-control Chinese rocket fell out of the sky off the west coast of Africa, becoming one...
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Source May 5, 2021 The following is the April 23, 2021 Congressional Research Service In Focus report, National Security Implications of Fifth Generation (5G) Mobile Technologies. From the report National Security Concerns According to a DIB assessment, China is the current leader in sub-6 technologies and is likely to deploy the world’s first 5G...
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Source: By Elizabeth Pennisi May. 4, 2021 Each summer, on bridges across the world, mayfly massacres occur. First, warm weather prompts the transformation of the insects’ aquatic larvae. Within hours, the short-lived, flying adults pop out of streams, rivers, and lakes, eager to mate and lay eggs by the millions. But bridges illuminated with artificial...
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Source Guest Blog, from Professor Denis L. Henshaw, on the myth where EMF’s too low energy to break chemical bonds is automatically equaled to ‘no meaningful effects possible’ Posted on May 4, 2021 Below is the next in a series of Guest Blogs on BRHP. The opinions expressed in this Guest Blog are of Professor Denis L....
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Strict Standard Seen as Barrier to 5G Development Source: Microwave News May 3, 2021 Italy’s 6 V/m RF exposure standard, one of the strictest in the world, may soon fall victim to 5G. The Italian limit, adopted more than 20 years ago, is widely perceived as standing in the way of the build-out of...
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