
AUTHORThis study has been written by Dr Fiorella Belpoggi, BSc, PhD, International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology Fellow (IATPF), Ramazzini Institute, Bologna (Italy), at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of...
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Letter to the Editor A full analysis of the many factual errors, dubious claims and non sequiturs in this paper would be a big job. We comment on a few specific errors, and defer the longer discussion needed to address his biophysical theories. Errors include elementary mistakes in electromagnetics. The letter is available from: Foster,...
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Brussels relaxes radiation norms for 5G roll-out— (@flandersnews) July 24, 2021 The Brussels Regional Government is relaxing radiation norms to allow the roll-out of a new 5G telecommunications network in the Belgian and Flemish capital.  “As the capital of Europe Brussels can’t afford to stick behind” the government says. Colin Clapson The radiation norm...
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How To Save The Night Sky From Satellite Megaconstellations SATCON2 workshop happened last week, and the impacts of these megaconstellations will go far beyond putting "streaks" in the night sky.Here's what everyone should know.— Ethan Siegel (@StartsWithABang) July 22, 2021 Since 2019, the night sky — as seen by both human eyes and the telescopes...
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Jean M. Twenge, Jonathan Haidt, Andrew B. Blake, Cooper McAllister, Hannah Lemon, Astrid Le Roy,Worldwide increases in adolescent loneliness, Journal of Adolescence, 2021, ISSN 0140-1971, Abstract Introduction Several studies have documented increases in adolescent loneliness and depression in the U.S., UK, and Canada after 2012, but it is unknown whether these trends appear worldwide...
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Source: NCAR & UCAR News JUL 20, 2021 – BY DAVID HOSANSKY WASHINGTON, D.C. — The United States must protect radio frequencies that are essential for weather forecasts and understanding the climate system, NCAR Associate Director William Mahoney told the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology today. Mahoney, a meteorologist and expert in...
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Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash Note: the webinar has been moved to Sunday, the 1st of August. Topic: Light in Practice -The Dutch Hacking Health Champion Solution Step-by-Step When: Sun Aug 1, 2021 3pm – 4pm (SAST) No cost – all are welcome to attend. Contact us at for the link. Feel free to...
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NBAA joined 20 industry and aircraft and avionics manufacturers to tell leaders of @USDOT that the deployment of new 5G cellular systems across the country poses an imminent safety risk facing the U.S. aviation industry and the general public. Read more:— NBAA (@NBAA) July 17, 2021 NBAA joined with 20 industry groups and...
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Reference number: 210716.000.NRF-WHO-IAC-ZADate: 16 July 2021 Dear Parties We have concluded our investigation, findings and endorsement on actions to be taken further. They aresummarized below. The permittance and operation of the Cellular Mast Tower on Erf 1603 BKH are in contravention ofNational Policies, Bi-lateral agreements and International Treaties under ‘substances released intothe environment’ within the...
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