
May 9, 2018 2:00 pm US Eastern Time As wireless technologies, particularly cellphones, become ever more ubiquitous in our culture and communication systems, researchers have been asking the question: what, if any, impact is there from this technology on our health? Research has been conducted investigating links with cancer, reproductive health, fetal development, children’s...
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Contributed by Mikko Ahonen, PHD France [1] and Russia [2] have current laws to minimise Wi-Fi exposure to children in schools. These two countries have the world’s longest research history on health effect of microwaves, both over 100 years. 1. Too many devices for long periods of time = chronic exposure Much of the research...
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International Society of Doctors For The Environment 5G networks in European Countries: appeal for a standstill in the respect of the precautionary principle 5G_appeal April 2018 Author: Agostino Di Ciaula ISDE Scientific Office The document by the European Commission “5G for Europe: An Action Plan” (September 2016) aimed to describe “an action plan for timely...
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This is the streamed version in the original languages (Danish/English). Be sure to listen to Olle Johansson’s speech in English (6.07-22.09) and Lennart Hardell (English – 38.38-54.30) who spoke about brain cancers and acoustic neuromas, and mentioned ANFR’s test results on mobile phones showing high SAR levels when in contact with the skin. Also present,...
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Credit for this post: Towards Better Health Orange recalls a phone emitting too much radiation by Benjamin Douriez, 60millions-mag, 4 April 2018 (translation) The operator is exchanging the Hapi 30 cell phone whose SAR exceeds the level authorized. Other models could follow. This is an unprecedented situation. A mobile phone is currently being recalled because...
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  By Virginia Guidry Final report expected this fall NTP staff will now evaluate each of the recommendations from the panel and prepare a final report, which they expect to complete this fall. “The director has the authority to accept or reject the advice of the advisory panel. Once she has evaluated these recommendations,...
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The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. By Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie Introduction: Things didn’t end well between George Carlo and Tom Wheeler; the last time the two met face-to-face, Wheeler had security guards escort Carlo off the premises. As president of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), Wheeler was...
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Scientists have concluded their peer review of the draft reports of the $25 Million US government National Toxicology Program (NTP) study on cell phone radiation. Recommendations by the expert panel: The peer review panel has recommended that the NTP upgrade the level of evidence that GSM cell phone radiation is linked to malignant schwannoma in...
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