
ORSAA 28 May Newsletter Julie McCredden, Steven Weller & Victor Leach in Australia talking about upcoming 5G Health Symposium on 7th July: The 7th July is an all day symposium and will allow for a short question and answer session at the end of each talk and a forum discussion at the end. Although ORSAA...
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Using the Australian Criminal Code: Assault and the Precautionary Principle: Important Helpful Legal Guidance from Barrister Raymond Broomhall How to Take Action Against 5G – Max Igan In Conversation With Ray Broomhall 5G Action Event Perth 1/2 – Raymond Broomhall &Greg  Barrister Greg Mellick sharing his views on the 5G Action Plan proposed by Raymond...
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Source: While the use of LEDs is becoming more widespread for lighting and LED objects are on the increase, ANSES published the update of its 2010 expertise on the health effects of LEDs in light of the new scientific knowledge available. The Agency confirms the toxicity of blue light on the retina and highlights effects...
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ORSAA is approached by European Media to give opinion on current RF Standard in the current 5G Media Hype ORSAA were asked specify questions and this was followed up with  a Skype interview from the UK. The final press release is: 1.  Press enquiry: Computer Weekly | Investigate Europe.  ORSAA_Answers to your questions to Investigate Europe Excerpt from the...
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The report by Mr J. C. Lech has been submitted to Mr Leon du Toit, Deputy Director Radiation Control, Department of Health South Africa and the DoH Information Officer, Mr Gerrit Wissing for inclusion in the annual EMF report to the World Health Organization. (The South African Department of Health is required to submit an annual EMF health...
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Author: Juhana Harju Published May 6, 2019 Helsinki has become a popular tourist destination as many travelers look for alternatives to the more crowded destinations. However, if you are looking for a relaxing holiday, Helsinki might not be the best choice. The reason is perhaps unexpected. Helsinki has very high levels of wireless radiation because...
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Source:  Complaint to the BBC – sent 29th April 2019 For the full post please see the link above. Complaint. Health: Truth or Scare, Series 3 Episode 2 – Broadcast at 9:15am, 23 Apr 2019 Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to complain about the section in this programme that discussed the issue of...
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Our April 2019 Newsletter can be viewed at: We invite you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please click on the link below: FOR THE SAFER USE OF TECHNOLOGY
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Judgment: Individual sectional title unit owners in whose interest a zoning scheme regulation was passed have the legal standing right to enforce it. It is this common law right that gives them legal standing. Source: Case CCT82/18 [2019] ZACC 16 Hearing Date: 07 February 2019 Judgement Date:24 April 2019 Post Judgment Media Summary   The following explanatory...
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