Nantes: controversial 5G finally launched, except near nurseries and schools

Source: 20 Minutes Nantes France

Article by By Julie urbach, Posted on 04/13/21

Auto-translated from French

  • Nantes Métropole had asked operators for a moratorium while it was time to organize a public debate and negotiate.
  • Several measures will accompany the ignition of 5G antennas, which began on Tuesday.

The standoff was long, but a consensus seems to have emerged. This Tuesday, after asking for a moratorium while organizing a public debate, Nantes Métropole announced that 5G would indeed be deployed in the territory. If it was impossible for the community to legally oppose this launch, the metropolis believes it has not completely lost the battle, led by other cities all over France .

According to Johanna Rolland, the president (PS), several advances have been obtained from operators, in particular in the name of the precautionary principle. “The antennas near schools and nurseries in the metropolis will not be turned on before the submission of the ANSES report [expected within a few weeks], announces Johanna Rolland. We will perhaps be the only city in France to implement this precaution. “A commitment held by SFR, which announced in the wake of the ignition of the rest of its antennas, with already the coverage of 75% of the population of the city on Tuesday.

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