Mobile phone radiation, an underestimated disease factor, 18 January 2017 (translated from German by Google with grammatical corrections)
Lecture given by Peter Schlegel dipl. Ing. ETH at the special event “Electrosmog and its effects on the body” organized by the Swiss medical association SSAAMP on October 13, 2016 in Zurich. Participants were around 100 medical professionals.In the conclusion of his lecture, Peter Schlegel listed necessary measures to be taken in public health and medical practice:
– The establishment of “white” (mobile-free) zones for severely affected persons is urgently necessary as a survival measure, although a “ghetto effect” is not ideal. In the medium to long term, the mobile spectrum must be massively reduced across the country.
– The university education of doctors must be adapted immediately. In electro-medical applications, electrosensitivity – based on experience – has long been recognized and therapeutically relevant.
– The cooperation of physicians with independent measuring and consulting specialists (i.e. building biologists with professional measurement training) should be intensified. For such professionals, a recognized profession is to be created in order to increase competency and supply capacity.
– Hospitals, retirement homes, rehabilitation clinics, etc. are to be kept free of mobile radiation, especially Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and DECT radiation, as an immediate measure in at least one part of the rooms.
– Physicians are encouraged to consult the EUROPAEM guideline in their practice. Patients should be properly informed about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electrosensitivity (EHS) (refer to AefU’s [Doctors for the Protection of the Environment] and concerned organizations’ flyers in waiting rooms).
The lecture was a version of 62 lecture notes supplemented by additional presentations (not presented at the event for reasons of time). For a better understanding, some slides with explanations and comments were added at the oral presentation. The presentations were based on Swiss conditions.
The lecture material is hereby released by the author as a PDF file [in German] for further use. The author asks for notification when elements of this presentation are adopted for public use. Please use source code.
– Ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Mosgöller [Medical University of Vienna]: “Genotoxic effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields – a project report”
– Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Klaus Buchner MEP: “Effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on hormones, neurotransmitters and oxidative stress”
The lectures were held before an above-average audience of medical specialists. This interest was in pleasant contrast to the well-known defensive attitude of many conventional physicians towards the subject… Countless electrosensitive people complain that they are not taken seriously by their doctor. Where medical faculties use a lecturer close to the mobile and electricity sectors to present this topic, the young medical generation is being indoctrinated by this unfortunate misunderstanding of the facts.
Fo r the full article,please see Towards Better Health