Hawaii has no ban or moratorium on 5G

Hawaii has no ban or moratorium on 5G. Only a non-binding resolution from one of Hawaii’s 4 counties.

Scores of testifiers came out in July to support a previous nonbinding resolution calling for telecommunication companies and public utilities operating in the county to halt 5G development until independent research and testing concludes it is safe for humans.

Many testifiers, and subsequent writers of letters to the editors of the island newspapers, didn’t seem to understand the resolution that passed 8-1 was merely a statement of position by the council and had no authority to require anything of the telecommunications companies.

Source: https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/2020/09/03/hawaii-news/resolution-supports-stricter-standards-for-wireless-facilities/?fbclid=IwAR2YffnghN-y2yYbRuhbHD2sXqNeQMpEALbUj4TCtxXVyRVoJB9FMXgkBfs

EMFSA thanks D. Rowland for alerting us and for keeping misinformation at bay.

Editor of Hawai’i Free Press, Andrew Walden, corroborated this account in an email dated 2020/09/09:
Hawaii has no ban or moratorium on 5g. Only a toothless resolution from one of Hawaii’s 4 counties. In the US radio frequencies are regulated on the federal level only. The article linked has accurate information”

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