Gateshead conspiracy theorist who caused more than £100,000 of damage by torching 5G mast walks free


David Patterson, of Felling, was suffering a psychotic episode when he set fire to the BT mast above a garage in Gateshead.


Newcastle Crown Court heard Patterson, who has schizophrenia, was suffering a mental disorder at the time and had been adversely influenced by material he had read online.

He had stopped taking his anti-psychotic medication intended to kill himself but was persuaded not to by a police officer, the court heard.

After reading mental health reports on him, Judge Sarah Mallett imposed a 12 month prison sentence, suspended for two years, with 200 hours unpaid work and rehabilitation.

The judge told him: “You thought it was necessary to destroy it to protect others. Obviously that was a product of your mental ill-health at the time. You were experiencing a psychotic episode at the time.”

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