French High Council for the Climate publishes its report “Controlling the carbon impact of 5G”

French Media Reports


A carbon footprint not neutral, warns the High Council for the climate

(Auto translated from French)

In a report published on Saturday, December 19, the HCC sounded the alarm. The independent authority believes that the deployment of 5G in France, which began this fall, risks not only increasing electricity consumption, but also significantly increasing the carbon footprint of digital technology. And that, in the absence of corrective measures, 5G is therefore likely to derail France a little more from its trajectory of reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) to achieve the objective of neutrality in 2050. Conclusions that could provide new arguments to environmental organizations and mayors (of Lyon, Lille or Grenoble) who are calling for a moratorium.


5G: a carbon footprint not neutral, warns the High Council for the climate

The deployment of 5G risks increasing “significantly” greenhouse gas emissions from digital technology and electricity consumption in France, according to the independent authority.

By Stéphane Mandard

Politico: 5G bad for France’s climate targets, says advisory body

The rollout of 5G has already proven controversial.

Connexion: Deployment of the new mobile internet technology is likely to cause a ‘significant increase’ in greenhouse gas emissions, an independent climate council has found

The Report

High Council for the Climate publishes its report “Controlling the carbon impact of 5G”, responding to a referral from the Senate.

(Auto translated from French)

Extract only, for the complete article please see the link above.

This report focuses on the impact of the new technology on greenhouse gas emissions and prospectively assesses the carbon impact of the deployment of 5G in France.

The High Climate Council has received a report from the President of the Senate on the carbon impact of 5G. 5G can induce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that must be anticipated and controlled.

The High Council for the Climate recommends, to control the carbon impact of 5G, to:

•Clarify the upstream climate issues of the deployment of technologies such as 5G

•Impose control of the carbon footprint on operators of 5G frequencies

-Take into account the effects on electricity demand and its implications for the European emissions system

-Act on imported digital-related programs

-Inform, raise awareness and empower users, individuals and companies to good practices that avoid the waste or disproportionate use of energy associated with digital services.

In addition, the HCC notes the precautions that must frame the allocation of the 26 GHz frequency band which may interfere with weather observation and forecasting.

Source for the graphics below:

Study citation (in French) Empreinte carbone du déploiement de la 5G en France – CITIZING pour le HCC – 2020

Study citation ( in English) “Deployment of 5G in France: What impact on energy consumption and the carbon footprint? “, CITIZING for the High Council for the Climate, December 2020

The opinion “Controlling the carbon impact of 5G” is available on the website of the High Council for the Climate

About the High Council for the Climate
The High Council for the Climate was installed on November 27, 2018 and enshrined in Law No. 2019-1147 of November 8, 2019 relating to energy and climate.

It is an independent body responsible for evaluating government strategy in matters of climate, to issue independent and objective opinions and recommendations on climate action to government, and inform debates in a neutral way, from a long-term perspective, taking into account the global context.

It is currently chaired by the French-Canadian climatologist Corinne Le Quéré and composes thirteen members, appointed for five years and chosen for their scientific, technical and economic expertise in the climate field.

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