France – 5G rollout: Olivier Véran and Elisabeth Borne wrote to the Prime Minister asking to “wait” for an assessment


Auto – translated from French.


According to Elisabeth Borne and Olivier Véran, we should not rush into the deployment of 5G , this technology supposed to supplant by 2023 the current 4G. The Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health wrote to Edouard Philippe asking him “to wait for the evaluation of ANSES [the National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and work] before the deployment of 5G “ , reveals Elisabeth Borne in an interview with the Journal du dimanche , published Sunday, June 21. Results are expected by the end of the first quarter of 2021.

“There have been no studies” on the health effects of the new frequencies, said ANSES in January. “The citizens are asking for an assessment of the impacts in terms of health and the environment” , summarizes Elisabeth Borne today. The Citizen’s Climate Convention , which met this weekend to vote on the various proposals to be submitted to the government, has also judged this transition from 4G to 5G “of no real use” .

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