Feinstein, Cornyn Introduce Bill to Investigate Military Aviators’ Risk of Cancer

Source: https://yubanet.com/usa/feinstein-cornyn-introduce-bill-to-investigate-military-aviators-risk-of-cancer/?fbclid=IwAR3xWuysGrk28369rySerRorjsq_dvURdPYUluZNHgby9m9npTuSl_ejWuA

by YubaNet June 23, 2020

Washington June 23, 2020 – Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) today introduced the Military Aviators Cancer Incidence Study Act, a bill directing the military to conduct a study comparing cancer prevalence among military aviators to that of the general population. Reporting by McClatchy  suggests that military aviators may be exposed to radiation that places them at higher risk of developing certain cancers.

“Military aviators take enough risks while serving our country without having to worry about contracting cancer from radiation exposure,” said Feinstein. “The high prevalence of cancer among aviators is deeply concerning, including the cluster of cases at China Lake. We must determine why these aviators are getting cancer and if their jobs are exposing them to dangerous carcinogens. This study will be the first to look across Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps active duty, reservist, National Guard, and veteran aviators’ data to assess the long-term health effects. It is an important step to help us understand what’s happening and how we can better protect our military aviators.”

Read more at: https://yubanet.com/usa/feinstein-cornyn-introduce-bill-to-investigate-military-aviators-risk-of-cancer/?fbclid=IwAR3xWuysGrk28369rySerRorjsq_dvURdPYUluZNHgby9m9npTuSl_ejWuA


“If the study determines a higher rate of cancer among military aviators, the department would then have to identify carcinogens associated with military flight operations, environments where aviators might have been exposed to increased radiation and military locations with higher incidences of cancer.”

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