Explanatory guide to the City of Cape Town: Municipal Planning Amendment By-law, 2019


1. Background

New planning legislation was adopted and implemented in Cape Town on 1 July 2015, inclusive of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-law, 2015 (the by-law). The by-law also includes the City of Cape Town Development Management Scheme (DMS), which is the zoning scheme for the City. All land units within the City have a base zoning that determines how the land can be used, and how the land may be developed. Zoning provisions are indicated in the DMS.

The City has approved a number of amendments to the by-law as part of its annual review process and to give effect to the policies and strategies adopted by the City. The latest set of amendments were adopted by Council on 31 October 2019.

Amendments were promulgated in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No 8185 on 6 December 2019. The effective date that the amendments will come into operation is 3 February 2020.

A summary of the main changes is now provided, where after each amendment will be presented in sequence in terms of the relevant Section numbers in the MPBL, noting that in the amendments to the Development Management Scheme reference is given to the relevant Item numbers.
The legal version of any amendment will be contained in the Provincial Gazette Extraordinary and
not in this explanatory guide.

PDFs in English and Afrikaans







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